Fully Grown Homos Podcast

Queer Nights and Daylight Wonders

Dave and Matt Season 1 Episode 38

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Our latest episode takes adventurous listeners on a heartfelt journey through Newcastle and the Central Coast. From nostalgic trips to the beach to vibrant encounters at Bernie's Bar, the weekend becomes a celebration of community, connection, and the beauty of life as fully grown homos. 

• Recounting our nostalgic arrival at Norah Head 
• Exploring the iconic lighthouse and rock pools 
• Unplanned fun at Birdie Beach and its welcoming vibes 
• Discovering Bernie's Bar, a queer haven with diverse characters 
• Sharing stories and connections with locals like Anita and Brett 
• Celebrating friendships at a friend’s birthday party 

Join us for an enriching experience and feel free to reach out with any topics you’d like us to cover next!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Fully Grown Homos, a podcast about our adventures as fully grown homos navigating today's world full of inquisitive friends, questions about gay life and the unexplored activities of a life lived as fully grown homos.

Speaker 2:

We'll discuss the gay 101s, sex sexuality and topics we don't even know yet, as we want your input into what you want to hear. Nothing is off limits, so email us on the Fully Grown Homos podcast at gmailcom or message any of our socials.

Speaker 1:

Fully Grown Homos with Dave and Matt. On today's episode we're going to chat about our little long weekend away. We just got back from a long weekend Well, it's like a short trip, but a long trip Mini trip where we've crammed an absolute shit ton in, as usual.

Speaker 2:

Where did we go, dave? Well, we headed up to the Central Coast initially, matt, just because I had to go and pick up a window for my property.

Speaker 1:

Well, our main purpose originally was to head up there because we had some wonderful friends having a birthday. Yep, a friend that's having a birthday and they live on the Central Coast. Yeah, and just so happened to fall in line with the fact that you found a round window for those who are playing along at home in Sesame Street On Play School. Yeah, play School, that's the word I'm looking at Thank you. There you go.

Speaker 1:

So you found the round window and you went through the round window and you found the round window, and so the round window was at a place called Noraville on the central coast. Now, as a young Matt, I actually had some neighbours that were pretty awesome and they had a caravan at Norah Head Caravan Park. So I used to, and Norah Villain, norah Head Caravan Park is, or Norah Head, are really next door to each other, so let's check this place out. So we ventured up on Saturday mid-morning, early morning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, we left this place around about or your place, should I say around about 7.30ish, because we had to drop the dogs off first.

Speaker 1:

Some amazing friends of mine said, yes, we'd love to babysit. So Fanny and Dick, and so they babysit the babies for me. We went on a little adventure, so we went up to Norah Head it was a good time, didn't we?

Speaker 2:

We got up there by about 10.30, I think it was yeah it takes no time at all to get up there now.

Speaker 1:

So it's really good, really quick trip, really easy trip. But Norah Head hasn't changed. It's stuck in time. It's just as beautiful as it was, as I remember it being when I was younger.

Speaker 2:

Now I had been up there before, which I didn't realise. Yeah, so I'd been to Central Coast and been to Linden Pass, but it didn't jog my memory until we actually got there. Yeah, I'd actually been there before, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

So the lighthouse. We went to go to the rock pool because that was a real fun memory for me, yeah, but then we sort of couldn't get parking at the lighthouse, sorry, at the rock pool. So we journeyed on a little bit further to the rock pool and went to the oh fuck Journeyed on from the rock pool to the lighthouse, which isn't a great distance at all in terms of like A couple of minutes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, exactly, that's right.

Speaker 1:

And wandered down the rocks and did what we do. And let's have a look at sexy men.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, we saw like observed the views first, didn't we yeah. And we saw that they had some accommodation up by the lighthouse, didn't we?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they did, they did some and they've basically got some, yeah, some little Cottages.

Speaker 2:

Cottages. Let's call them cottages, yeah.

Speaker 1:

They're big brick home type things.

Speaker 2:

I think they used to like be workers' cottages that actually maintained the actual lighthouse and stuff.

Speaker 1:

So they're pretty old looking standstone but typical that that sort of period that makes sense, yes, and they're really cool looking and you can actually hire them out and we're going to have a look and see how much they are to hire out, because it would be a great location right on the point of norah head there, great views from up there and stuff like that, yep. But then wander, wandered down to the old wooden stairs that were like, really cool looking as well, yep.

Speaker 2:

And you had your camera with you. Yeah, I took my big boy camera.

Speaker 1:

I did take my drone, but then there were signs everywhere saying you can't fly your drone here. So I didn't fly the drone. I was a good boy. I didn't break any rules, nope, apart from maybe occasionally photographing a hot person. That's not a rule. You're allowed to do that, I think, aren't you? Well, I'm sure there's rules for everything. Yeah, of course you are. We are. We gave ourselves permission, as we do always, as we do. So we went down the little stairway and had a wander around the rocks and the beach and everywhere, like that, checking all the hot daddies out. While we were down there Checking, there was a couple of really hot daddies. There was, yeah, there was one really hot younger guy like I'm saying, 25-ish.

Speaker 2:

No, I'd say he's older than that. Ah, the one with the dog? Yeah, really Okay. All right, I didn't ask for his ID. Yeah, I'll check it later. I checked him on Instagram now, didn't I? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he had his dog in the water with him, didn't?

Speaker 1:

he? Yeah, he was a really cool cocker, wasn't he?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was really cool and that was really good. The dog was loving it, wasn't he? He was having so much fun.

Speaker 1:

He, the rock pulls ourselves. What me? And then what happened? Well, I was really fixated on these really cute little crabs that were like wiggling in between the rocks and rocks and all that kind of stuff and he called me over, called me over, said dad, there's dave, there's crabs in here right, and so he was having a little crouching down and then all of a sudden, we got smashed by this wave, yeah, we got soaked, absolutely soaked. D's shoes got soaked to the bone, squelchy everywhere, yep. So that was fun.

Speaker 2:

It was.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, I wasn't video at that point in time, you kind of dried out quite quickly, apart from my shoes. I thought my shoes had actually dried out, but they hadn't. No, they hadn't Because they put them in the car and oh, they smelt like wet shoes.

Speaker 1:

They did, yeah, so it was pretty gross. But from there, where did we journey?

Speaker 2:

We drove up then because we were heading towards Newcastle, because that's where we were staying for the night, wasn't we? Yeah, and I mentioned to you on the journey going up that we should maybe just have a call in to Birdie Beach. Oh, what's Birdie Beach, dave? So Birdie Beach is a beach that has optional clothing on it as well. A nudie rudie beach, a nudie beach, absolutely Okay. So, yeah, I've never been there before. I've been there twice before, but I'm talking, you know, you're talking like nine, ten years ago, when I was up there last, yeah, and I hadn't sort of like remembered too much about it.

Speaker 1:

Now, I've been to a nude beach.

Speaker 2:

I've been to a nude beach or two, yeah and we've discussed this on previous podcasts that we were going to check out more nude beaches, haven't we?

Speaker 1:

So I just suggested to you.

Speaker 2:

we're on the way, we have plenty of time. Yeah, let's go and check it out.

Speaker 1:

And we did, and so my first impression was that, like it's really organised, especially like okay, there is, like I said, there is clothing optional for a certain part of the beach, right, so the other part of the beach is just everyday, ordinary beach and it's a beautiful white sandy beach with a big rock in the middle of the ocean and stuff like that. It's really quite monumentalist, if that's a word, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it is, but hey, it sounds good, it's fucking big, okay, yep.

Speaker 1:

Big fucking rock. That looks sexy as hell. Fucking big, okay, yep. Big fucking rock. That looked sexy as hell, yep. But then sort of up to the left and the way it looked on the map, I thought we're going to be walking for an hour to get to the nude beach. It was literally about a five-minute walk up the beach. I'll say a bit longer than that, given the height. Well, only because we stopped and looked at everyone on the way.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, you come out over the dunes and the fucking sun was hot, wasn't it? Oh yeah, the sun was fucking hot.

Speaker 1:

That'll happen when it's sunny.

Speaker 2:

But the car park facility is good. They've got toilets there, great. They've got like a shower room over there and stuff like that. Yeah, got everything there. So you know, you climb through the well, you climb, you walk through the sand dunes.

Speaker 1:

Along the beach and through the back there's like sand dunes and stuff like that. So I'd say probably about. I was probably about 10-15 minute walk down to the end where we were staying, okay. So there's a little lagoon opposite the beach and that's sort of where the, where the gays are known to hang out, um, so, and you can confirm that that's where the gays were hanging out for the majority of it, in the lagoon, occasionally there'd be um a couple of girls that would come over with their partners and sort of jump in for a dip because they didn't like the surf so much but they wanted the lagoon, and when we say lagoon it's just like a peat based water, but it was fresh.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, it was probably fresh water, wasn't it? I don't know it was nice, but it wasn't connected to the sea, so it would be.

Speaker 1:

It was refreshing that's for sure, yep. And so we jumped in there, had a little bit of sunbaked. Well, we stripped it off first, didn't we?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, obviously Got our dicks out, yep, because again neither of us are shy Put some sun cream on, but there wasn't a lot of sun cream to go around because Matt had left it in the car.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I found out that.

Speaker 2:

I actually left it at home, oh.

Speaker 1:

I've got tons more at home, like I'm talking tons and tons you didn't tell me that.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I'm a dickhead. So anyway, we lathered up some sunscreen and because we were rubbing each other up, there might have been a little bit of movement. So I get excited fairly easy myself. You ventured off first, so I decided to go for a wander and I went in the water to rinse the sand and the sunscreen off my hands and things like that, and went for a wander because we could see some people wandering up the back of the bushes. I thought, oh, I wonder what happens up there. I didn't wonder what happens up there. I know what happens in the back of bushes when you go to a nudist beach. I've been to a couple speech. I've been to a couple um, for those listening along at home, what happens is men tend to touch each other and play with each other and kiss and cuddle and do things that people that love each other do, or they just walk past and say hi and just keep them walking and keep them walking, yeah, so, yeah, all kinds of stuff happens, yep, um.

Speaker 1:

So I took a wander around and, um, you came back pretty quickly come back pretty quick because, like number one, I had no shoes on at that stage.

Speaker 1:

And the sand, when we're talking hot on the beach, on the normal beach, the sand up there, literally I felt like it took off a few layers of my skin. It was so fucking hot, Jesus, why don't you put shade up? So you came back and used the water and I said it was quite a few hotties up there and stuff. But I said if we're going up there, we need to be putting shoes on inside. I said let's go for a wander. So we did. So we did put shoes on and went for a wander all the way down through the bushes. Yeah, Met up with a few people on the way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, stopped another break and then carried on walking. A break, hang on. What's a break, dave? A break is, like you know, a cock break. Oh, a cock break. Yeah, because there was somebody. There was no coffee serving, so we just had a bit of cock instead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a bit of cock instead. So there was a guy in their bushes that was sort of standing there fully hard. So we thought, oh, we better see what that looks like, and he was very grateful. He was very grateful.

Speaker 2:

He said thank you, yep, very polite, very polite.

Speaker 1:

So thank you very much for putting my dick in your mouth and stuff like that, and we then carried on our ventures. We could hear a lot of activity going on, couldn't we in the background, but we didn't know what it was going to be, didn't know where, so we continued up the path, passing an old friend of ours, but yeah, we didn't know that Well.

Speaker 2:

I sort of thought it was because I said to you that looks like blah blah, Such and such as dick. And I went.

Speaker 1:

God, you've seen so many, yet you can still work out whose is whose.

Speaker 2:

I'm a good boy like that.

Speaker 1:

I'm a good boy Photographic cock memory. But yeah, so it turns out it was him later, when we were on our way back and we seen him. But we continued on and we run into a whole heap of guys that were actually Camping in the bush From a I think they're from Gay Newcastle Camping or something like that some group. I tried to actually Google. I couldn't find it. I will find it a little bit harder and hopefully tag them on the um on their podcast when I, when I post this one.

Speaker 1:

But, um, the guys that run that or the part of that were um and they won't mind us using their names because they were actually, yeah, telling us and saying matt dj yeah, no, it was um dj daddy bear, and his name was matt yes, and then his partner's name was jeff and they had a good conversation with us, as they were.

Speaker 2:

Other people talking um, standing around, chatting, everybody was nude, but nothing happened, yeah jeff was very, very lovely, very personable.

Speaker 1:

Yep, um, just just having a great chat, stopping in the middle of the bushes, completely naked, all these guys, just like it was a normal thing to do, which really made it really comfortable and actually really good. And he was telling us how he's a big fan of being part of a community, a queer community in Newcastle, and things like that.

Speaker 2:

And it was him that told us about the actual Bernie's.

Speaker 1:

Bar. Yeah, so he told us that we needed to check out a place called Bernie's Bar. So tell us about Bernie's.

Speaker 2:

Bar, dave. Well, we'll come back to that in a minute because we're obviously going to head back. Oh, okay, so we'll talk about Bernie's Beach first, we'll come back to Bernie's Bar, so yeah, so the conversation was basically just very fluid, um, very engaging, um, this guy, jeff, was just like a knowledge of everything and very like. So very engaging, very hospitable in every single way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, lovely, lovely, yeah, yeah. So we then carried on, you know, past them after we having a good chat with them and thought we'd go venturing further into the, into the bush, and came to a dead end Somebody suggested that we go up the path.

Speaker 2:

So we didn't really, yeah, but we didn't really go any further because we couldn't. So we came back, acknowledged them again on the way back, saw there was a few more people that we hadn't seen in tents, and I thought, holy fuck, there's more people there than we thought. And then we carried on the way back to the way we came to the point where then we met up with the guy that I know what. We won't name names, um, but um, it turned out to be him and a very good friend of mine. And yeah, um had a chat. Yeah, part of the naked man camp group.

Speaker 2:

You know I mean, so that was really cool, and you know he was there for the, you know, just for the day, um, and yeah, he was happy to see us and have a little bit of chat and then, basically, um, then he explained that you know, we could venture off further up into the bushes through a different direction.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we thought, oh, okay, we'll go and try that out and he was more activity pretty right up there wasn't. He was indeed, so there was quite a few more people.

Speaker 2:

There's a couple of people that we'd seen come to the beach that were fully clothed not not fully clothed, but they hadn't straightened off naked. And we'd seen them going off into the bush, but we hadn't really sort of like you know, seen them naked I suppose. And then obviously they were then up in the bushes and they'd obviously taken their clothes off at that point, yep, and there was a few more activities happening up there, wasn't there man?

Speaker 2:

So like coits um giraffes checkers well, there was a few birds up there. Oh, there was a few wild animals. There was a few wild animals, there's quite a hot, a very hot older animal. Yeah, nice beard and cockles.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah so. So there was quite a few bears, um, but yeah, so it was actually quite a lot of fun. We scratched some itches in there and did what we do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then Matt decided that he couldn't resist the urge and yeah, the rest was history.

Speaker 1:

And anyway, yep, that's what Dave gets if he puts my dick in his mouth.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so basically, that was birdie beach birdie beach and it was great it was.

Speaker 1:

It was great definitely a few hours, weren't we?

Speaker 2:

yeah, we weren't there for long. We'll definitely take a shelter with us next time because, um, it was very warm, it was definitely warm and and, yeah, probably take a few. I left my socks in, like I put my socks out to dry because they were so wet from the the the rock pool situation and then walking back because, you know, I had my I don't know. I think I just put my shoes back on, didn't I?

Speaker 2:

I didn't realize, yeah then we got back to the car and realized I'd left my socks drying on but you had, just you had your shoes on from when we were actually in the bushes? Oh yeah, because that part of the beach was quite cool. It wasn't sort of like excessively hot, was it, you know?

Speaker 1:

so yeah, so yeah but um, yeah, so we, um. So we went back out of there and then headed by the sun dunes checking a few other guys out because that's what they are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because yeah, when you were, you were quick, a little bit keen, I suppose, to go down to the sort of heterosexual part where you need to go and check out the guys and marry guys.

Speaker 1:

Let me go and check out the hot.

Speaker 2:

I didn't suggest you could, but then you decide no, I'm not going to, because dave was very against it.

Speaker 1:

So I just followed. I said okay. He said why don't you want? You want to look at vagina? And I went no, I want to look at the things that are with the vaginas, like the married guys, and check out them. But anyway, it was too much. So anyway, we went back to the car, got in the car car and then headed on into Newey.

Speaker 2:

Newey, yeah To Newcastle, but you were sort of like quite taken by the joke because there's a lot of nice places. What we went through to get to Newcastle wasn't there. Yeah, and Swansea was one of the ones that you really loved. Swansea grabbed me.

Speaker 1:

And I definitely want to check Swansea out because it was just stunning, stunning. When we went over the bridge at Swansea, um, it just the waterways looked amazing. There was always something happening, because we drove back and forth over it a couple of times and it just looked really, really nice.

Speaker 2:

And bear in mind this is the long weekend of Australia Day, so that's a standpoint for us. So we're talking the 25th of January up to the 27th yeah yeah, 25th to 27th yeah um, but it looked absolutely stunning.

Speaker 1:

Um definitely want to go and check it out because it looks beautiful. I do love the Central Coast. I think it's a beautiful part of the town. It is beautiful and stuff like that, but I've got some friends that actually live up there Yep, me too Now and it's amazing. I think it's absolutely gorgeous, as well as a little holiday place. Don't know if I could live there at this point in time.

Speaker 2:

Once as a little holiday place. I don't know if I could live there at this point in time. Once I get ready to retire. We've got further plans. You know, central Coast is definitely a place that I could definitely retire if I had the option for sure, but Brisbane is definitely our favourite for living at.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, we're digressing so we went to Newcastle, all right, checked into our hotel. Which hotel was that? Well, it was a pub Fundament to our hotel. Um, which hotel was that was pub? Yeah, fundamentally it's called the albion hotel and it was very centralized, wasn't it really? Great location, fantastic location, in mayfield and um. And we basically said to the bar staff there look, we got there, checked in and we didn't check into a different hotel because it had shared bathrooms, right, and I for some reason thought that this had its own bathrooms in the room. And when we got there, um, what right? Oops, I was wrong. She said, look, you know, just so you know, blah, blah, blah. And I went, oh shit, and said, okay, all good, we're here. Now it's one night, we can suck it up and deal with it for one night, that's easy enough. Um, and the fact that I didn't really want to then go and cancel and have to pay somewhere else, and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

So we just dealt with the fact that it was a shared bathroom bathroom. I didn't mind it, it was fine. The rooms were really nice, yep right, very clean, um, very clean. The bed was the best beautiful like it was, so comfy it was like a super king bed, but it was like enormous. It was enormous sitting there and I was sort of falling asleep and I'm thinking, look over. I was like where's dave?

Speaker 2:

well, we could have had like four of us on the bed and still had space between all of us. You know I could have had eight. Well, yeah, we should have done. There you go. So we tried.

Speaker 1:

Well, you did try, yeah you did try for a little while let me tell you about that later on yeah and um. So yeah, we, uh, we tried that, um, we, we checked in. Really nice Super friendly staff members.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they were really good, really helpful as well Checked out the bathrooms, as we did, had a shower because we needed one off the sand, because, literally after sitting on the bed for 10 minutes, we realised that we brought the whole sand dune with us. You brought the sand dune into the room. It's amazing how much sand sticks to your skin, isn't it? Yeah, it's crazy, but but so we did.

Speaker 1:

We had a shower in the shared accommodation. Unfortunately, they're individual showers which, when I have a vision of shared showers, I had this vision of, I guess, Open plan and like the typical porno, where you walk in and all the guys are showering under like the four in a row shower heads or six in a row or 12 in a row shower heads and they're all showering and they're all soaking themselves up. But it wasn't the case. Unfortunately, they were all individual, little rooms.

Speaker 2:

This is again a mass fantasies.

Speaker 1:

I have a few fantasies. We know that, too much porn, way too much porn, but that's another thing. But yeah, so we had a shower, got ready, got a recommendation from the staff downstairs about locations.

Speaker 2:

We wanted to go to the RSL, didn't we? We wanted a local RSL type place Because it was round about. I don't know. It was probably about 4 o'clock by the time we got there. No, it was just close to 5. No, in terms of like when we got to the hotel by 4 o'clock we had a shower, so it was about 5 o'clock by the time we wanted to venture out. The hotel does provide food, know. I'm sure it would have been amazing if we'd stayed.

Speaker 2:

We've seen people um, you know just a typical hotel, um pub, you know, downstairs, but very clean, tidy. I've definitely recommended it and you know, for me it was a great location, um, but then we asked them for recommendations of the rsls and they gave us two options, didn't they?

Speaker 1:

yeah, they gave us I can't remember the other one because we end up going with west yeah, yes, mayfield and um, and it was really cool like it's a small. They said that's not the biggest one, there is a bigger one, but they said I thought that was a bigger one. They said it's, it's nice and it's got lots of space and things like that. So we walked in there and again it did. It had really good facilities from a, a staying there point of view and stuff like that. It had a hotel attached to it. Yep, I checked the rooms out. They were probably a bit dearer than we'd paid.

Speaker 2:

But they had like facilities, like a gym and two pools there, didn't they? They had a gym that had two pools. Look, it was all on one level. It was smaller than what we're used to in RSLs. Back here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in rsls back here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if I stay for work, it'll be definitely somewhere. I'll choose to stay, absolutely, um, and it was a little bit further out than the main central town, about an extra 10 minutes, 10 minutes yeah, something like that.

Speaker 1:

But but, um, but again a great little pub or sorry club there and um, they give you, if you join for 10 bucks, you get like 15 off your off your alcohol and drinks, and all that kind of stuff and 10 off food or something like that as well.

Speaker 1:

You get like 15% off your alcohol and drinks and all that kind of stuff and 10% off food or something like that as well. The food was nice. You get 5% off accommodation in the place there as well, and if you're in the accommodation you get the gym as complimentary. So it worked out pretty good from a price point of view. I think it was about $229 a night, depending on when you actually stay, so it wasn't too bad either, I didn't think from that point of view.

Speaker 2:

We had dinner.

Speaker 1:

West Mayfield. And then we ventured. No, we had lunch there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we had dinner, yeah, so we had the anticipation of going to Bernie's bar afterwards. So we had dinner and Matt decided that he was going to go in his binder and we were just checking a few. But there was a fucking ton of guys.

Speaker 1:

There were so many hot guys in there, oh, my God, there was some that I sat there and I went oh my God, I'm going to fucking come in pants. But yeah, there was like one particular one that was like wasn't super tall, but he was muscular as hell.

Speaker 2:

He was tatted up. Is that the one with the group of friends With? Really?

Speaker 1:

tight pants.

Speaker 2:

With his mates.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was just beautiful and then there was a hot little redhead, which everyone listening at home knows we like a hot redhead and he was super hot.

Speaker 2:

But there was also a very, very cute, super nice guy that worked there. You know he wasn't gay or anything like that, but he was an employee.

Speaker 1:

He was an employee.

Speaker 2:

He had special needs Yep employee and was an employee. He had um special needs yep but in terms of like he was physically able but he just had I don't know, but he was an intellectual disability.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's about a mild one. Yeah, very right. Yeah, and he was just the cutest person, sweetest guy. He'd come up and go. Hi guys, you're having a great night and you couldn't help but say yes because he smiled and he made you have a great night and sort of you kind of reflected and went. Actually I am right, you know, um, because he was just, he was just so good and he loved it because he said are you happy he goes?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I love my job, I love being like you know, yeah, and you could tell he loved it and every single person he said hi to they had said hi back. Yeah, um, no negativity was there was, it was just a really cool guy, um, but then there was a another there was, so there was another little gay boy there and he was fit as hell, but he was on the app because he was on the app because he was the first one who said there was zero, zero away um from me and not really our um not, not my demographic as such, not my type as such, but like he was a, he was a nice looking boy, young man, yeah, and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Um, but there was quite a few that I was chatting with at that stage that side. But again, I was just chatting because, yeah, there's no point we were going to meet.

Speaker 2:

I didn't have time. I was there for one day, yeah, um, but it's always good to get the local, you know the local, sort of find out who's in the area and stuff like that as well and potentially organize some stuff for next time.

Speaker 1:

And there was a couple of guys I was chatting to and they're a couple and, um, I definitely want to meet up with them next time we go up there, because they were super hot and just really nice and I think they.

Speaker 1:

I think we vibed really. I vibed really well with them because I was just chatting with them basically. So they were really cool as well. So I want to chat with those guys a bit more and then, hopefully, when we get back up to Newcastle which we will be doing definitely we'll get to have a bit of fun and play around with them. But then we went off to Bernie's Bar right in the centre of town.

Speaker 2:

We had a little bit of issues parking because it was so busy it's busy as hell. So if you are going to venture, I would say you know, find there is a, there is a big w and stuff and other car parks close by, so maybe park there and then walk down.

Speaker 1:

It's not far, you know but enough about the parking, let's get to the bar, because we walked in greeted by fantastic staff checked our ids and all that kind of stuff, which I felt really grateful for.

Speaker 2:

And it was free until 10 o'clock, wasn't it? It was a free entry, should I say until 10.

Speaker 1:

So I felt grateful for having my ID checked, because it always makes you feel good, regardless of how old you are and regardless of whether you know that they're just checking for trouble and all that kind of stuff. But they had the actual system down to a pattern they were there people, but they was like you know, just checking everybody and making sure everybody's legally allowed in, and yep, yeah, all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2:

And it wasn't overly busy when we got there, was it initially?

Speaker 1:

oh, it was a nice crowd, it was a good crowd, yeah, absolutely now, if we can describe this crowd, diversity is the main word that comes to my mind, right, so I had people from now. It's not a gay bar, right, it's a queer. It's a queer bar, exactly right, and so queer in every sense of the word. There was people from every walk of life, every demographic, every demographic, and everyone just got along. Right, and it sounds really kumbaya, but but it was. People just got along.

Speaker 2:

Look, I've never been to a queer bar before, and for me I've only gone to gay or straight bars. Straight bars? Obviously yeah, but I just felt really comfortable in there it was just such a good vibe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Now Dave said to a few people that it's probably a crowd that he normally wouldn't well, it's not a wouldn't hang.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's people, I'm not I haven't had the opportunity. Yeah, well, it's not that, it's just my demographics. Are people that I, I sort of like, choose, gravitate, yeah, gravitate to like gay guys and stuff like yeah, I mean. So I don't venture out further than that because that isn't sort of my that's all my exactly, but having I mean I've got no.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no discrimination I mean.

Speaker 2:

I accept everybody, but I haven't delved into meeting up with people because it's not really sort of like my vibe, if that makes sense and Dave's self-employed right so therefore doesn't have the opportunity to meet, I guess, a lot of different demographics every single day but also, like for me, I like in the past, you know that I don't watch drag, drag race and stuff like that, so it's not something that I necessarily gravitate to.

Speaker 2:

I respect people for doing it and I like going out and seeing shows and stuff like that which drag performers are doing and I can't notice. I 100 respect to them all and have fun, but it's not someone that I would naturally gravitate and just sort of like, okay, I've got to go there and check this out and all this blah, blah, blah. But because the whole community was there and I genuinely do say the whole community, because you had every single type of person there, all the leathers of our rainbow, and I was just really sort of blown away. I was like this is super cool. I'm really having a really nice time here. Yeah, there was a lot of people to look at.

Speaker 1:

There was a lot of people to, but they were so friendly yeah, and the conversations did not stop all night, so we were lucky enough to find a table, um, and because we did get there outside, and that's sort of outside, I guess is is the smoking area, but there wasn't tons.

Speaker 1:

It's also the alleyway that goes between alleyway between the streets and all that kind of stuff, right and this venue set up. It's got like you walk in, you've got a little bar on the left, you've got like little areas for dance floor, you've got a DJ set up at the back, you've got a little stage in the corner where the drag shows and that happen, and then you've got the outside which is all set up with tables and chairs. So people can sit around and chat, but there's tables also inside. I'm not sure they do.

Speaker 2:

I didn't see anybody eating, so I'm not sure they did food there, but again, we were at the wrong time for that. Anyway, yeah, definitely the wrong time for that.

Speaker 1:

But the crowd, like, we sat down and we spoke to this one lady and she was a fag hag, probably a little bit younger than us.

Speaker 2:

Probably our age, maybe Our age. Yeah, definitely our age, our age stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

And again, she won't mind us mentioning her name because she said, feel free like her name was Anita Yep and she was sensational and her partner was it was Jerry Greg Greg.

Speaker 2:

Greg, that's right. It was Greg right. Yep, yep.

Speaker 1:

Now Greg, I have a feeling that he's quite fluid in his sexual identity and stuff like that. But Anita was just awesome. She described herself as a fag hag, right, and she said that she's been part of the community, the queer community, her whole entire life.

Speaker 2:

She's got grandkids and she's got children and grandkids. I think she said Such an awesome person.

Speaker 1:

We had a chat with her for about two hours probably.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, just non-stop talking the whole time.

Speaker 1:

Awesome person we had, so we had a chat with her for about two hours probably. Oh yeah, we're just non-stop talking the whole time but she knew everybody there, didn't she? Everyone. She was definitely part of the community, very popular, wasn't she? Yeah? We mentioned that sort of that. Matt and jeff had actually told us about this bar and she went oh yeah, I love those boys yeah, we miss them when they're not here and all this kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

She said like they've been here as long as I've been here as part of this bar and DJ Daddy Bear does the best DJ sets and blah blah blah. So she knew her stuff. She wasn't a fake and a phony.

Speaker 2:

She was part of the community and a really big, but she had lots of questions for us and things like that as well, because we explained to her we were doing a podcast during the conversations and stuff like that, explaining to her we were doing a podcast, you know, during the conversations and stuff like that, and they were really engaging with that and you know, we had a few of our cards and stuff like that, but yep, it was just the conversations we were having. Well, I said to matt, I wish we'd actually had our podcast stuff with us, yeah, which we turned out it was in the car, yeah we didn't realize that was my bad.

Speaker 1:

I thought I'd left it because it would have been the perfect opportunity to you know, and they were willing to sort of like talk freely about everything.

Speaker 2:

But the conversations we had were just so sporadic, they were just so diverse, they were just so engaged and they were just so much more I don't know more than I could ever imagine going to a bar to talk about, you know. I mean, yeah, there were life experiences, there were events that happened and it was so good we had lots of little chats little like a minute here and there.

Speaker 1:

Chats with everyone but everybody walked past and they say hi, and it was just like hello but the two main people I guess that we chatted with was her yep um anita, and then another young girl um called brett, brett right b-r-a-t. Right um, which we I thought that's a really cool name, but it suited her and she was sort of to describe her physically. She sort of looked like a bit of an Anna Kendrick kind of vibe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, anna Kendrick. Yeah, exactly, she had the long dark hair, long dark hair, and she was very cool and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Had that Anna Kendrick vibe, which was really, really cool, and so we had a chat with her. She was 26 or 27, something like that, and just an absolute delight. As well, she's studying psychology.

Speaker 2:

She's already studied psychology, studied psychology. So she's studied psychology and education. Yeah, but she doesn't know what path she's. So she's doing research at the moment. Yeah, because she doesn't know which path she wants to go, but she's.

Speaker 1:

Just awesome chats.

Speaker 2:

And we're not going to get into the detail of that chat, no, because that's a private. That's her private. Yeah, but I was blown away with her level of maturity. I was blown away by the level of her conversations, yeah, but also the fact that, you know, she was so comfortable in her own skin, yep, and she was non-judgmental and she actually had a few um challenges going through that process with her friends, with friends, and family.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but she stuck to her ground and she pushed through and she came out the other side with like glowing sort of like energy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and just a beautiful aura that I looked at her and I thought, whatever the hell you're going to actually do in life, you're going to succeed.

Speaker 2:

I think she's definitely got a purpose in life.

Speaker 1:

I think psychology is her field.

Speaker 2:

That she needs to pursue. Working with people is definitely her field, so if you listen, that's where you need to go.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so they had a little market stall at this little at the bar as well, Did they?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, where I bought the turtle tape. Oh, I didn't know, it was a market stall.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was like a little, it was like a table, a little table, oh I thought it was just someone that you had actually gone and spoken to. No, no, it was a little table and they had a whole little setup of these things. Now, if you've got access to Instagram which it's 2024, 2025, and you fucking should have, but you need to check it out and the Instagram handle is they underscore craft, as in T-h-e-y underscore c-r-a-f-t right now, the things that this person, who her identity was um, was she was non-binary.

Speaker 1:

they were non-binary, so they them and they made the cutest little gay turtles right, little pride turtles, or crocheted crochet and the cutest little ducks right, and they also made that they didn't have any of on the night um butt plugs, crocheted butt plugs. Now they're going to actually have a stall at fair day this year, so it's going to be quite cool. So I'm definitely going to get myself a crocheted butt plug um from them. Yep, and it was fantastic they. They also had a lot of other little art pieces and that as well, that were really good. Yeah, so definitely head along to their instagram, give them a follow, give them a like, put in an order for they craft, they underscore, craft um on the instagram and check it out, because, because their stuff was just so cool and fun and very… Artistic yeah, artistic, but it was just whimsical, well made, whimsical, very well made, well made, very, very well made, and so soft.

Speaker 1:

The wool was so soft.

Speaker 2:

Apparently, anita was saying that she just sits there and she does it. She can do it in record time, can't she? Yeah, she's going gonna listen to our podcast, while while, while they, while they knit away. But yeah, so um great people, yep, we'll definitely go back and we wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Speaker 1:

The drag queen oh, oh, yeah the main performer on the night right um, and Sheenita is what her name was, right Check it out mate, holy Christ. Now for those that play along at home and watch Drag Race. If you think Priyanka and Shangela right, this girl's makeup was fucking flawless. When I looked at her I went you are, your mug is now for Dave. Your mug is your face. Yeah, I get that Right.

Speaker 2:

I know, what that means? Yes, okay.

Speaker 1:

It was like absolutely on point. There was just just perfection, all right. Now to say she looked amazing is one thing, because she did right. Just a snatched fucking padded. Everything was where it should be spectacular, and we're a little bar in newcastle, all right.

Speaker 2:

if she was a sydney queen she'd be getting top billing and things like that I was like really blown away as well because I mean I I don't normally sort of like gravitate towards that side of the actual community because obviously I don't follow it, but I still appreciate and admire them. Yeah, like I said, I go go to venues and I have a good time and they're great performers. I really do admire what they do, yeah, but I was like really blown away as well because I mean I would say that she was probably the most glamorous one I've ever seen of clothes and you know, in things there's usually a bit of rough like drag queens, and apologies to the queer community and the drag community.

Speaker 1:

Oh, this is great, but you usually look a little rough at some times, right, she did a number Come back. There wasn't a fucking drop of sweat on her brow, right? Well, she was hot after she should find herself hot she was definitely hot, but I tell you what her bloody makeup was hiding. It all I tell you. And the setting spray was working its ass off. And I tell you just the the number the dance ability.

Speaker 2:

There was a couple of um drug artists I saw that they were also very, very great a couple of queens wondering they were good she definitely took, but she took the cake and and her instagram, while I'm giving out is she need a.

Speaker 1:

She underscore, need a. So S-H-E, underscore, n-e-e-d-a, like she need a dick, she need a whatever, she need a cash tip, she needs followers, but she need a follower. But yeah, she was flawless. I did ask her whether she'd auditioned for Red Bull Strikers Down Under and she said she had sent in an audition tape for season four but hadn't gotten on, obviously, so she needs to be on there. I said keep plugging, you need to be on. I'm going to be tagging RuPaul's Drag Race Down.

Speaker 2:

Under You're actually going to contact.

Speaker 1:

RuPaul and tell her directly Well, okay, RuPaul doesn't do the. Down Under show now Michelle Versace does.

Speaker 1:

But I'll be letting michelle know that she needs this queen. This is matt and I'm telling you, yeah, I'm a fan and she needs this queen on. So mary poppins, which was a queen from season two, was there as well, um, not in drag, uh, but as as her male, and I can't remember I need to point her out, but yeah, yep, um, but again, queen was busy in conversation and stuff like that as well, with a lot of people. But she was there as well as part of the Newcastle scene as well for those that do follow Drag Race and it was awesome. Now, the vibe, sensational, the community, all parts of her life, the trans community, would highly represent her there from all levels Baby queens out there, young boys that are just coming.

Speaker 2:

I genuinely feel that. You know, it doesn't matter whether you're straight queer gay or whatever.

Speaker 1:

That was my next point.

Speaker 2:

There is a niche in that group for everybody and nobody would, in my opinion, be uncomfortable going there. No, correct? I think you know. Seeing the vibe, seeing the um, the atmosphere, it was one of the best pubs I've ever been to.

Speaker 1:

in that regards dick and fanny when we picked up um dick and fanny when we picked up on blondie today that they would love it because and they would because dick loves a chat as well with he loves diversity he loves diversity and he loves to actually get to know people and I mean, and I mean really, and I've seen it with people on the street, like with homeless people on the street, and he stopped and he's had a chat and he's gotten their life story within three minutes, right, um, because I can chat, but he can chat he's really engaging.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely so the thing is that he, he would have been, we would never have gotten out of there. We'd still be there now, but yeah, it was frigging awesome. Bernie's Bar highlight of that part up until that point in time.

Speaker 2:

Newcastle yeah, and we will go back and do a podcast. We spoke to the management. They came out and they spoke and they're more than happy to assist us in, you know doing that.

Speaker 1:

So we'll do a bit of a spot from up there one night. So hopefully, sort of yeah definitely.

Speaker 2:

That was definitely a big tick, tick, tick.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, definitely, definitely, definitely awesome.

Speaker 2:

And that was pretty much Newcastle really for us.

Speaker 1:

No, we went for a wander this morning. Oh yeah, yeah, Sorry, yeah sorry.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, not this morning.

Speaker 1:

That was pretty much newcastle for that evening. For the evening the next morning we got up. This is australia day, yep, aussie day, um, chanel's birthday, aka happy birthday. Yeah, my little girl was four years old. Um and um, she's having a nap now. She was having fun with you she was having lots of fun with jeremy who's um uh, fanny's great grandchild um it. It's a puppy, he's a Spring.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He's a Cock Espanol, cock Espanol, cock Espanol, and he's beautiful as well. But they were having fun sleepovers as well. Yeah, we got up the next morning, went and found some parking. Yep, after a confrontation, oh that was a nightmare. Dick had thought he was going to stand in a parking spot. I ended up giving up because he wasn't moving and I didn't want to hit him, and I think Dave was going from zero to 100 in no time at all.

Speaker 1:

So we just drove off, found a parking spot, wandered down to the beach, wandered along the Newcastle Ocean Baths. Yep, Just old Art Deco.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Art Deco yeah, definitely um new newcastle ocean baths. Yep, just old art deco, yeah, art deco, yeah, definitely 100% it's like the facade original because obviously, um, the back end of it would have been deteriorated, but they've managed to keep the appeal. But I didn't realize until you went behind that, um, it was just like an open pool that they created.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, it's just amazing. It's so cool, awesome and I've been there before and seen it before, but it was just so cool and, um, it was just so hot it was, but it was just it was.

Speaker 2:

It was hot in terms of meat, yeah but men yeah but the men as well. So, um, yeah, I was families, it was so many families and it was great to see everybody enjoying themselves. It was a really fun part, a good community and the beach bit was next to it as well, wasn't?

Speaker 1:

it. So we had a rock pool as well, there as well. So it was like so busy.

Speaker 2:

Um, we said we had breakfast there, didn't we? We had, I had an amazing sandwich, oh my god so up around a bit further.

Speaker 1:

There was the newcastle surf life-saving club. Um, right there, newcastle beach, that was the Club. Yeah, yeah, right, the Newcastle Beach, that was the surf lifesaving club there. It was just. They've got this mushroom toasty, basically. Yeah, if you can hear the noise.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can hear some background noise. We've got a storm coming over at the moment and it's crazy out there. I was wondering what Matt was looking like. I can see that the storm is definitely coming over T. I was wondering what Matt was looking like. I can see that the storm is definitely coming over. Trees are going crazy out there.

Speaker 1:

I've already lost power in my place over in Mogawa. Yeah, but he had. It was a mushroom and kale toastie, basically With cheese.

Speaker 2:

With cheese and everything like that. It was amazing. I loved it. I had a bacon egg roll. It was absolutely delicious, so, so tasty.

Speaker 1:

And again for a surf life-saving club. That was bumpy. Every single piece of food was made fresh, yeah.

Speaker 2:

The guy that was running was pretty hot as well, wasn't he?

Speaker 1:

He was really hot, actually, he was very hot there was a lot of hot guys, so it wasn't hot, but yeah, there was. So when we went. Oh, let me go back to the Newcastle bath for a second. Matt likes going to the toilets because he's always like I'm going to have a look, you've got to check out stuff, but he's always needed to go for a wee I always need to wee anyway because of my baby bladder but walked in and they have the kind of showers I like.

Speaker 1:

So the open showers, there's just like a little wooden frame open changing room so you can see anyone that's changing in there. Now, I would never invade somebody's privacy and take photos or video in those areas, because that is highly illegal and we don't do that right, we don't do it we visualize. But I swear to god, I was wishing I had a camera in my head because I just was like holy shit, there was a guy in there with a freaking giant dick. Um, right, and I, I again. Size is not important, but a good big dick looks really pretty.

Speaker 1:

So, um, yeah so, um, and he had a really nice big dick. There's a younger guy that had a really nice, just your right size, that, um, nice uncut cock. He was hairy all over as well. I'm sat there and I walked back out and I went I'm looking for dave, trying to get him to go in there, and they couldn't find him.

Speaker 2:

I'll sit there watching matt as he was coming out and I was trying to get him to go in there and I couldn't find him because he wandered off somewhere else. I was sitting there watching Matt as he was coming out and I was trying to phone him saying I'm over here, matt, and he was just oblivious to everything.

Speaker 1:

I was looking for him and wandering somewhere else. So yeah, check the change rooms out, people, you'll love it. I've entered in later on. He went in after and there was nobody in there, but I get the set up.

Speaker 2:

It was great. It was very traditional 1930s style.

Speaker 1:

So we wandered along the beat, took some photos, checked out some people it was just good walking around.

Speaker 2:

It was beautiful. It was just beautiful and then we got in the car and then headed to the Westfields. Well, we thought, no, it wasn't Westfields, it was Big W. Yeah, we headed to wherever it was Because we were trying to find a birthday present for our friend and we can't remember what His diehard. His name is Diehard Bruce. His name is Bruce. Yeah, bruce, that's his pseudonym.

Speaker 1:

His partner is Bruce yeah, diehard is his name and his partner's name is Bruce, so we went to diehard's birthday and we needed to find a present stuff like that, so we went headed down towards where they live, which is a different part of Niagara Park area?

Speaker 2:

yeah, down towards the Lizzaro, isn't it? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

yeah, down that way, yep and um, it was. It was lovely picked up what we needed to and then headed to their place because we were staying at their house that night, yep, and met up with some wonderful and met up with some wonderful, wonderful friends that they had Now.

Speaker 2:

I've met these people many times because I've been over to their place a few times since they've moved in and what I can explain to you is they're in a gated community but the people, the neighbors and the community that they have living in them are just amazing. They're all amazing people they're. So you know it's got. It's got that nice vibe about each other. They all look out for each other, they all socialize together.

Speaker 1:

They have the amenities but obviously Will and Dan have got other friends and stuff like that, but yeah, so it was. Their friends were really good. The party was awesome, right, really well catered for. Bruce made pizzas homemade pizzas and stuff like that. They were bloody delicious and went down to the pool, had some drinks, had some chats, had some more chats, had some more chats.

Speaker 2:

But you actually got to meet these people and I'd explain to you who these people were.

Speaker 1:

In the past, dave was a bit enamoured by one slash, two slash, three slash, four of these guys. No, were in the past. Dave was a bit enamoured by 1, 2, 3, 4 of these guys. Dave loves a chat and Dave was really excited for me to meet these people because they're really genuinely nice people. They're all nice people, genuinely really nice people, and they're wise and everything else as well, like yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we went there and got to meet different ones over the whole period, over the night and stuff like that, had some fantastic chats, conversations, and I can wholeheartedly understand why Dave absolutely adores them, because they were all just absolutely amazing. People had, like I said, different chats with different ones as well. Look, the ladies were beautiful, beautiful One in particular the German guy, his wife she's stunning, all right she is absolutely gorgeous. I was sitting there and going oh my god, you are so beautiful, right? But her husband, again, is a stunner.

Speaker 1:

He's just such a handsome man, but he's just so he's sense of humor, yeah, he's twisted like me, right? Yeah, and he's naughty and he's cheeky, so it makes him so much more likable as well. Um, so I can see like, and their banter was just so good, I'm sitting there and I'm going oh my god, you guys are the perfect couple, and I understand that no such thing happens. There's no such thing as a perfect couple, but they were just absolutely awesome together. Um, because she was in on every joke, he was in on every joke. They've known each other for I don't know how long, but I'm guessing a lifetime. Well, they got. They got two kids together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're guessing a lifetime yeah, because they've just really their banter was on point.

Speaker 2:

Well, we'll get them to give us a name that we can call them, because we're not going to mention their real name no, no, no it's not what we do but but again, fantastic people.

Speaker 1:

So I get why dave loved them, yep and sort of he. He knew that I'd get along and and I did, it definitely did. And then others throughout the whole evening again, um, just but it was just fun, wasn't it?

Speaker 2:

it was just fun, fun night they, the kids, were there as well, wasn't?

Speaker 1:

it. So all the kids, a lot of them having kids.

Speaker 2:

I've got kids and it's nice because you know they can let the kids run freely, because it's a gated community, yeah, um, so the kids were out doing everything, coming back in, having food and off and running around. So the adults were able to relax and just sort of have fun drinking, talking, yeah, and, and you know, just engaging in conversation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a really fun night and, yeah, I was really glad I got invited.

Speaker 2:

Normally it goes on a little bit longer, from my past experiences there. But you know we're all getting old. But it was still like God midnight oh.

Speaker 1:

God, yeah, yeah, yeah, the last people went Very much so.

Speaker 2:

But look, I I mean you know it's such a great vibe. They've got there. And again die hard and bruce, um, they make you very much, they make it, they definitely make it. I mean, obviously die hard's got his issues in terms of his mental, his health problems he's had, but again I mean he was superb and it was his birthday and you know he's such a lovely guy had an awesome night. They're both lovely people but yeah.

Speaker 1:

So then we had the fun party, woke up the next morning, had a delicious breakfast that Brucey cooked us, yep. And then basically headed back down. We picked up Dave's window, yay. And then we came back home and here we are, yep.

Speaker 2:

After a storm.

Speaker 1:

And heading for the storm. So to sum up, newcastle and our weekend away look Norah Head, beautiful, picturesque, stunning. Check it out. Newcastle, definitely check it out.

Speaker 2:

I've got friends that live in Newcastle and I know why they live there. Now. Yeah, I mean I really do. I mean I haven't really had it. I mean I've been into newcastle but never stayed overnight, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

But while you're in there you've got to check out. It's so cool, it's so cool.

Speaker 2:

It's very modern, it's very engaging, it's very multicultural. It's yeah, it's just yeah, it's a great check out birdies beach and you're going to check out bernie's bar.

Speaker 1:

So that's bernie's bar, b-e-r-n-i-e-s. If you're looking at their Instagram, it's B-E-R-N-I-E-S-B-A-R, newcastle. You all know how to spell Newcastle, so I'm not going to spell that out, are you sure? Yeah, go do it, mate. N-e-w-c-a-s-t-l-e.

Speaker 2:

Yay, there, you go there you go, I'm going on spell. You're intellectual, aren't you? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

So check out all those places, many others. Just Google Gay, newcastle, that'll come up as well, and lots of things will happen.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, we plan on going back up there in a couple of months' time, once I finish some renovations, we'll go and do Airbnb where we can take some other friends, lots of friends, and we'll obviously do more podcasting from up there. But in the meantime we will be changing the sort of format of our podcast a little bit. Going forward, we're going to be sort of like not necessarily focusing on all about the gay stuff. We want to sort of like envelop um other aspects of me and matt or should I say myself and matt in terms of like ourselves. So you know, we want to engage in other conversations as well. So please, if you have got questions you want to ask us, or even topics of conversation you want, how can they do that, matt?

Speaker 1:

they can reach out to any of our socials fully grown homos podcast or our email fullygrownhomospodcast at gmailcom. That's a wrap from us. We've been your fully grown homos and we look forward to opening your mind, your ears and your curiosities. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe and share our podcast with your curious friends. You can contact us on fullygrownhomospodcast at gmailcom or any of our socials fullygrownhomospodcast Bye.

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