Fully Grown Homos Podcast

Laughter and Love Under the Disco Ball

Dave and Matt Season 1 Episode 33

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Ever wondered what your drag queen name might be or how karaoke could be the secret to breaking first-date ice? Join us on the Fully Grown Homos podcast as we share hilarious anecdotes and personal experiences, diving into the world of dating with our vibrant alter egos, Davina Blowballs and Miss Perfection. This episode is all about helping Brian, a single gay man from Wollongong, find his confidence on first dates. We promise you'll leave with a smile and perhaps a few whimsical conversation starters to impress your next date. 

We explore the nuances of successful dating, especially within the gay community, offering practical advice on choosing the perfect setting and crafting engaging conversations that steer clear of divisive topics. From the importance of eye contact to the art of being fashionably punctual, we cover it all with our trademark humor and candidness. Whether you're a seasoned dater or just starting out, our playful approach aims to open your mind and spark connections through laughter. Don't forget to send us your questions and share the joy of Fully Grown Homos with your friends!

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If you want to send us a question or would like our thoughts on a particular topic you can contact us at Fullygrownhomospodcast@gmail.com or contact us on any of our socials at Fully Grown Homos Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Fully Grown Homos, a podcast about our adventures as fully grown homos navigating today's world full of inquisitive friends, questions about gay life and the unexplored activities of a life lived as fully grown homos.

Speaker 2:

We'll discuss the gay 101s, sex sexuality and topics we don't even know yet, as we want your input into what you want to hear. Nothing is off limits, so email us on the Fully Grown Homos podcast at gmailcom or message any of our socials.

Speaker 1:

Fully Grown Homos podcast. You're listening to fully grown homos with dave and matt now. Today we have our listeners questions and if people want to send in a question, dave, how can they do?

Speaker 2:

that they can basically contact us on our email address at fullygrownhomospodcast gmailcom or they can contact any of our socials at fullygrownhomospodcast.

Speaker 1:

Now. Who is our list of questions from today, dave, and what have they?

Speaker 2:

asked us. Well, today, matt, we've got a, an email email from Brian. Brian is a single gay guy in his 30s and he's from Wollongong and he's basically asked us for some opinions or some tips on first dates. Oh, he wants to know what to expect from the first date, where you should likely go and how you should sort of address. You know the actual person and also you know basically. Just, he's basically nervous, he hasn't done a lot of dating, okay, and he just wants to know, from our perspective, what we would advise him okay, so the first gay dates, okay, so.

Speaker 1:

So what we'll do, dave? We're going to set up a little bit of a scenario here and we'll pretend like we're on a first date. Isn't every date a first date? With us, mark? Every date's a first date. Yep, and look, a first date is generally when you've blown somebody and then eventually you get their name. But no, if you're seriously wanting a date date and to get to know somebody, I've Googled and got some first date questions that you can actually ask here. So some of them what's your beverage of choice, dave?

Speaker 2:

Well, for me. I'm a beer drinker more than the spirit, so for me I would have a nice beer.

Speaker 1:

Okay, nice, nice, any type of beer. And look that opens up a bit of conversation. You can actually talk, nice, any type of beer. And that look, that opens up a bit of conversation. You can actually talk about what type of beers draft lager.

Speaker 2:

well, I do like the, the ales, that you know that, because. But there's not a lot of choice unless you go to a brewery where you can actually get those sort of things, um, but for me, my main drink is two is two is new, um, but I will drink han as well. I like han, yeah, yeah. So for me this segment is not sponsored by Han or Tui's new or Tui's new, but they can if they want to.

Speaker 1:

By all means reach out. We'll happily take sponsorships. All right, so the next question on our list. But before that, what would you be? Oh, my drink of choice. Look, I'm not a big drinker, but again, if I'm having an alcoholic beverage, it'll be either a ginger beer of late, that's my alcoholic ginger beer. I love my Brookville Union, that's the best. If I can't get that, I'll take the James Squire, again, not sponsored by any of those companies. However, happy to take your money, no problem at all. But yeah, that'll be generally. If I'm somewhere and it's sort of a bit fancier and I think I want a smaller glass or something like that, I'll I'll take a picardian coke or a cocktail I love a good cocktail I'm not big on cocktails because I don't drink enough like that, but you do like cocktails I like them nice and sugary and sweet and fruity as

Speaker 1:

well, so I feel like myself. But yeah, okay, now the next one's going to be a fun one. That if somebody asked you on the first date, you'd sit there and you'd go. I just gotta go to the bathroom and, um, run away. But it is, if you're a drag queen, what your name be, so what would your?

Speaker 2:

name be. I didn't choose myself to the person I'm dating yeah, they'd said they'd said if you were a drag queen, what would your drag name be? Wow, I mean gosh. I mean for me, I've. You've really put me on the spot here, matt. It'd have to be something very out there, Something like Davina Blowballs, davina Blueballs, something like that. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, so yeah, see, I've prepared one earlier. So I did a bit of amateur theatre back in the day, and one of the shows that I was in was required to be in drag, so I actually called myself Miss Perfection, as in like cat pussy affection. So it was like yeah, so that was a bit of fun. But, yeah, another one. Here you go, dave.

Speaker 2:

What's your go-to karaoke song? Well, you know me, I mean I, I, like you know, I don't mind singing, but I gotta know the words. Um, but that's what karaoke is? I don't know. I mean, there's so many good songs out there, um, you?

Speaker 1:

know, once we go on our holiday, and if you're listening to last week's episode, you'll find out that we're doing a holiday and, um, we will be doing karaoke and at one stage you'll be getting up and singing well, I do like um boys to men, that one, um, what was that?

Speaker 2:

when I was singing I can't remember what it's called now um, I'm always singing it to you, asking you if you can do it and you say no, you can't do it. I have to think about this now. I'll have to get back to you with that in a minute, right?

Speaker 1:

All right, okay, all right. Well, my favourite karaoke song I don't have just one, I've got hundreds of them, but one I actually really do enjoy and it's a bit of a crowd stopper and stuff like that as well, and I've got far too many, but I like doing Can you Feel the Love Tonight? By Elton John, because people sort of stop and they go, oh, wow, and they all have memories of watching the Lion King or something romantic and that and I also do love doing At this Moment. By Billy Vera and the Beaters. It's pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

So but yeah, I don't think it's Poison man, I think it's. I can't remember who the group is, but it's it's, I don't think. I don't think it's boys to me, I think it's um, I can't remember who the group is, but it's you to me, or everything. Okay it's I know it's a group. It's a boy. It's a boy group. I can't remember who's an older boy group, you know I mean yep yep, definitely not the real thing the real thing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there you go, you to me or everything, there you go that's what I'd like.

Speaker 2:

That's what you're gonna do okay, cool, perfect.

Speaker 1:

I'll put that into the notes and you can do that when we're on the cruise. Okay, watch a guilty pleasure TV show. No-transcript.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't really watch a lot of stuff like you do in terms of the drag shows and stuff like that. I mean, there's something that I would sort of like.

Speaker 1:

Guilty pleasure. Tv show for me is something that you go oh, I don't want to tell my boys at the pub that sort of stuff like that. It's kind of like, well, you watch maths, that's a guilty pleasure, but it's not really because it's so trashy.

Speaker 2:

It's so trashy, it's so trashy. Yeah, but for me it's something that's got a lot of like um, I don't know, something that's fun, something that is a bit controversial sometimes, but I do like reality shows. I do but um you're a voyeur.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

I don't think there's anything. I would be nervous about telling people what I watch, because you know what I watch is slightly different to your taste.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, definitely, definitely. So what about you? I don't look. One of my guilty pleasure TV shows that I used to love watching, I guess and it's just naff was. I used to watch lots and lots and lots of um Will and Grace, but I guess my favorite film that, again, a lot of people have a really bad opinion of is Zoolander, right, oh god no, because it's just so stupid and I love it. It's just so stupid but it's so much fun. But yeah, yeah, um biggest pet peeve. What is your biggest pet peeve? Um?

Speaker 2:

people that have no manners. I think, yeah, manners go a long way and it doesn't take much to have manners. Yep, um, be on time as well. Punctual punctuality is something that I do respect from people. Yeah, because I make the effort to get there early, or make sure I get there on time. Then I would expect them to as well.

Speaker 1:

You know yep yep see, mine would be um stupidity, like and I'm not talking if you don't know something, I'm talking if there's something. I just, yeah, I don't like. I just don't like people that pretend to be dumb, almost.

Speaker 2:

I guess that you know, you've told them the answer, especially, your conversation is very weak and basically you're not going to get multiple answers or conversation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, Look and. I'm quite good at being light and vacuous and all that kind of stuff, so I'm going to give you one here, Matt because you know how talkative I am and when I'm on a date you know I've got a habit of like talking a lot, but I also know there are people that are very introverted.

Speaker 2:

So if you were to be in a situation where I'm more openly outward and talking, if you came across an introverted person that sat there and didn't have the social skill sets that you'd expect from somebody, would you wrap up the date quickly and get away, or would you give them the time and try and coerce them into a more of a deep conversation?

Speaker 1:

well, look, I've been in situations, whether it be on a date I haven't really dated for a long, long, long time, nor do I intend on doing that, um but I've been in lots of situations, whether it be on a date I haven't really dated for a long, long, long time, nor do I intend on doing that but I've been in lots of situations, whether it be a work situation or anything at all, where I've had to draw conversation out of people and it is tricky, and it really is tricky.

Speaker 1:

And especially if they're not and I can tell if somebody's I can usually tell if somebody's interested in the conversation that we're going to have or whether they just don't want to talk at all. So that's why they're actually opting to not participate in the conversation, because you can generally tell if somebody is introverted and then I try and search for something that actually sparks in them. And then I try and search for something that actually sparks in them. So I generally will give someone that time of day and try and drag them out of the shell. If I can see that they're like a little wallflower at a party, I will always try and make sure that they're actually having a good time and that they're part of the conversation. I'll drag them into the conversation wherever possible without them being uncomfortable, because, look, if you're an introvert, the last thing you want to do is be the centre of a conversation. So but yeah.

Speaker 2:

What happens if you were getting in a situation where you were talking and trying your hardest to get somebody to integrate with what you're saying and all you were getting is one-word answers? I mean, how far would you go before you decide to wrap the actual conversation?

Speaker 1:

Well look you can only get out of somebody what they're willing to give. So the thing is that I'm not going to sit there for hours and try and talk to somebody that just clearly doesn't want to be part of a conversation, because I know I can move on to the next person and we'll have a conversation both of I both of you and I have both met these type of people and, like for me, it's almost like I feel deflated when I walk away from a situation where I've tried my best to incorporate that person and I've just got nothing from them.

Speaker 2:

And normally I've got the skill set to get that person to talk and feel, you know, at ease and everything else. But sometimes some people just don't want wanna do it and then I feel like I wanna be out of that situation myself because I feel less more awkward and I don't wanna bother them anymore. Yeah, so they can you can only give so much, absolutely so yeah, so yeah, and I'm also talking reference, that is, this is just like a drink date. Is it first date or would you go?

Speaker 1:

on a meal date, oh, but in saying that, because I've had my gastric sleeve surgery and things like that, there's always things to talk about. But again, I try and steer a first date not just about me.

Speaker 2:

I want to know about the other person as well, if I'm having one of those as well. So obviously we've got to sort of like reflect back to Brian. I know you've given some questions. I mean, obviously he's the one that's asked us these questions for help. Obviously, we're doing that by going through this scenario. So, in terms of attire-wise, what would you? Would you dress up smartly or would you just go casual?

Speaker 1:

Again, it would depend on where I was going, sort of like if it was a first date as a drink. Drinks, catch up with me Now I'd tell Brian, coffee's a great first date. Um, if you don't drink coffee, you can drink hot chocolate, you can drink tea, you can drink a milkshake, if you want, whatever you want. But I would go to a cafe slash coffee shop or something I totally agree.

Speaker 2:

I think you know. You know it's expected. Most people think that going out on the first date is to a bar or a club and this day and age? I think no I think you've got more time to sit down, because when you're in that sort of environment, brian, I would say that you know you are surrounded by people that are drinking and you can't always hear what the conversation is because there's a lot of people in the air atmosphere.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, but also you've got music playing yeah, but you also don't want the other person getting so drunk that their inhibitions go and you're meeting somebody that that isn't necessarily who they're going to be either and also I'd say definitely eye contact is so important.

Speaker 2:

Yep, definitely engage that person, yeah, and not to the point where you're staring them, giving them really creepy effects, but you know, just a natural, natural eye contact when you're talking to them directly and respond in a nice happy way.

Speaker 1:

If they're going to respond in a way and um, look, let's be honest, if we're talking in the gay world, right, and you're talking about a first date, you've probably already sent dick pics anyway. So, um, so least you can do is look at their eyes instead. So, um, yeah, absolutely yeah, I mean so?

Speaker 2:

look, I mean you know every every person's different in their perspective or first dates. But on general rule I'll definitely say look, you know, make make the effort to get there on time, make the effort to look presentable, give that person every opportunity to be part of the conversation and have a have a set list of questions that you think you can divulge. You know, I mean yourself, if you're natural. If you're not naturally good at talking, then just think of things, topics that you'd like to talk about, that you know about.

Speaker 1:

Pre-plan some of your answers, like some of those ones that we've actually done like. You know what I mean. Yeah, don't be afraid to be a bit stupid and be a bit vulnerable, but also.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, if you actually sat there and you, if you found out and discovered that the person opposite you was, um, was, was a fan of drag race, which again I'll go with. 90 of the gay community are a fan of drag race because it's light and fun. Um, but um, look, you know they would have thought about what their drag name was. And then go oh, how'd you come up with that? You can lead into 15, 20 minute conversations yeah, about this kind of stuff. Oh, who's your favourite one from here? And it can lead you down a whole path. So have a few starter questions ready to go.

Speaker 2:

Obviously don't be political in any way at all, because politics do not match. You don't want to go down that rabbit hole. I mean talk about your work, talk about your family life, talk about your expectations of like, where?

Speaker 1:

you're at your values.

Speaker 2:

Your values, yeah, talk about your expectations of like your values, yeah, but also ask them lots of questions that you want to know about that person as well, because if they are engaging with you and you. You are either sexually attracted that person or you are happy to sort of like, maybe go on a second date or maybe go further on that first date in terms of like going somewhere else afterwards. Then make sure that that person is fully um involved in what you are giving to them yeah, correct correct?

Speaker 2:

so yeah, so yeah, well, we wish you good luck. Anyway, brian, good luck on your first date.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it turns into a second date, third date, fourth date, and so on the rest of your life.

Speaker 1:

Let us know and send us some pictures not not the dicks pic, or send us dick pics. That's fine too, so I'd be happy to accept those as well, no problem at all. But yeah, cool, all right. So that's, um, our list of questions, and if you have a listener question, just don't forget to email us at fullygrownhomospodcast at gmailcom or message any of our socials fully grown fully grown homos podcast. That's a wrap from us. We've been your fully grown homos and we look forward to opening your mind, your ears and your curiosities. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe and share our podcast with your curious friends. You can contact us on Fully Grown Homos Podcast at gmailcom or any of our socials. Fully Grown Homos Podcast podcast.

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