Fully Grown Homos Podcast
Fully Grown Homos Podcast
Spontaneous Escapades: From Pop-Up Delights to Paint and Sip Laughs
Ever found yourself at a pop-up event you didn't plan to attend? Our spontaneous Sydney adventure led us to just that, with the delightful discovery of an Amazon Prime pop-up packed with themed desserts. From minion macarons to golden donuts, our taste buds were in for a treat—until we accidentally left them to spoil in the car. Our main event was the ICC home show, where we were dazzled by innovative ideas like solar-powered roof tiles and the enchanting allure of tiny homes. And, oh, the distractions of attractive tradesmen were plenty!
Our week wasn't just about accidental sweetness and innovative home solutions; it was a rollercoaster of personal triumphs and festive gatherings. Imagine navigating the quirks of cataract surgery recovery while gearing up for a Coachella-themed 50th birthday bash. Picture a garage turned into the liveliest club, complete with a DJ, saxophonist, and guests of all ages clad in colorful attire. Clyde's sequined outfit was a particular highlight, infusing the party with humor and flair. The night was made unforgettable with exquisite catering and the company of a friend eager to explore new experiences.
Art took center stage as we joined a paint and sip event led by the fabulous drag performer Terry Dactyl. Our alpaca paintings sparked laughter and talk of auctioning them off for holiday cash. The week wound down with a visit to Bondi's annual Sculptures by the Sea, where we marveled at pieces like the whimsical "shark nana" and a clock-like artwork that beautifully depicted the passage of time. These artistic adventures reminded us of the beautiful intersection between art and nature, leaving us with amusing memories and thoughtful reflections.
If you want to send us a question or would like our thoughts on a particular topic you can contact us at Fullygrownhomospodcast@gmail.com or contact us on any of our socials at Fully Grown Homos Podcast.
Welcome to Fully Grown Homos with Dave and Matt. This week we're going to do a bit of a weekly recap.
Speaker 2:Aren't we Dave? We are Matt. We haven't had much time to do a bit of research for any topic of conversation this week, so we're just going to give our listeners a weekly recap of what we've been up to.
Speaker 1:Yeah, a little glimpse into our lives and what we do. And, holy fuck, we've just taken some notes and we do a lot.
Speaker 2:Sorry, that was me breathing. I'm exhausted.
Speaker 1:I thought it was you sighing at how much we've actually done.
Speaker 2:I've got a bit of a block nose.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. Well, we've literally done an absolute ton in the last week or so, literally a week or so. So do we want to wind the clock back to last Sunday?
Speaker 2:To see the clock or the cock.
Speaker 1:Well, if we wind the clock, we will definitely see cock, absolutely.
Speaker 2:So what did we do last Sunday, dave? Well, I think we should start back in Sunday. So we went to Sydney, didn't we? We went to the city, we went to the ICC, to the home show, because I wanted to drag you there as usualovations.
Speaker 1:That's inspiration.
Speaker 2:Freeze renos and stuff like that. That gives a bit of a perving day out, doesn't it?
Speaker 1:It is always lots of hot trading.
Speaker 2:But prior to that, Matt, what did we go to prior to going in?
Speaker 1:We were walking through Darling Harbour. That was in Unison. That's really cute. We're walking through Darling Harbour and we stumbled across this Amazon Prime not sponsored, unfortunately, especially by Amazon Prime. We'll take your sponsorships if you want. There was a free pop-up event there and they were taking you through different little shows that they've actually got on, or films major films, or films as well, yeah, but then they were basically giving you little cupcakes or little desserts along the way. So we had some little minion macarons. They were quite cute.
Speaker 2:We had a golden donut, didn't we? A little golden donut, but that was to do with the circle.
Speaker 1:the Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings thing coming out, trilogy they've got. They had some jelly shots and that was to do with the Kings of the Cross.
Speaker 2:Yeah and they had that, the alternative, they had that the Desperate Housewives, I think it was, or something like that one of the other shows they would do Because they were in the hair whip.
Speaker 1:Yeah, while we were young, or something like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's called, or something like that, but there was a few shows that they obviously do and they've obviously put a pop-up tent, but it was so good, which is something you never get, obviously sponsored but completely free, and they were really good little desserts. But the set was good as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the set up was freaking amazing, but we got a little lamington on the way out and I got a maple bacon-flavoured one.
Speaker 2:I got a pineapple one, didn't I?
Speaker 1:And where are they, dave? They are currently in the bin, matt. Oh, because we forgot to take them out of the car, so three days later they could smell.
Speaker 2:They were meant to be kept cold and we carried them around all day, which was fine because that was not a problem. And then Matt gave them to me and I left them in my car for two days and I opened up the car and I thought it smells very sweet in here. What's going on? Opened the bag and there they were, and yeah, the rest is history Moist and yucky.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Maple bacon. I can't believe we wasted something that had bacon flavouring in it. But if anyone knows me, I don't like to waste bacon. But yeah, so we left that one and then we went to the home show, went around, looked at the spas and the men and the hot men and some more of the men and the more men, and then some more men.
Speaker 2:I mean that's good inspirations.
Speaker 1:I some really cool ones out weren't they Some tiny homes. I'd love to just live in a tiny home, just me and my girls, and basically travel around the world, or around the country, not necessarily the world I don't go to Italy in a tiny home, but it was really cool and really quite livable.
Speaker 2:The thing is with the show I find year on year there are a lot of products that are the same or haven't changed, or there's no innovation. It's just people that have never been before will be introduced to those sort of inventions or those, um, those, um companies, etc. Um, but there was a few new ones there this year, which was really nice, yeah, and a few ones that have changed and increased their productivity to include new sources of options to buy into.
Speaker 1:Yeah, different sustainable things. I mean the ones that I guess I think for me, the one that, like the whirlybirds the old whirlybirds that you have on the top of your roof they have this new one that's actually a solar panel.
Speaker 2:It's a tile.
Speaker 1:And it's just a solar tile that goes into your roof and it works the same as the old big whirlybirds and stuff like that, but much more aesthetically pleasing.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's so cool and it's all driven by solar, but it was very efficient, so it cools your house down Very. It was really efficient and really quite cool yeah yeah, um, doesn't sound exciting, but it actually really was um, and then I think um, I don't, apart from the little homes you, you really fell in love with those.
Speaker 1:I love those and the spas, obviously.
Speaker 2:I love the spas and the saunas. Oh, they had some new saunas there, didn't they? Yeah?
Speaker 1:really they had some really cool saunas and didn't hurt that affordable, you know for a ten thousand dollar budget, I suppose yeah, and didn't hurt, those guys were really cute.
Speaker 2:No, they were very, very good, yep, good at selling and good at promoting their yeah, their bodies to the owners of their own little company as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I can't remember what the name of that company was, doesn't really matter. We got the details. Yeah, we did get that detail somewhere in dave's bag of paperwork. Yep, um, but I what ceases to never ceases to amaze me is that every single one of these home shows, or any show at all, wherever you go, regardless of what they're actually got at this show, it could be the mind, body, spirit festival. It could be the bloody home show. It could be the renovator show. It could be a renovator show. It could be an actual food expo, food show, it could be sex, but there always seems to be that guy that's selling the vegetable peeler that says the scraping or the food one.
Speaker 2:What's the food one um the one that they give you, the food you buy into it. Weekly foods what?
Speaker 1:oh yeah, yeah, hello fresh, hello fresh they're always there as well always there, there we go. Do you guys even look or do you just book every show you possibly can actually book? And I think that is probably it. It's probably quantity over quality.
Speaker 2:You always end up walking out with the same leaflets, the same pamphlets that you've got last, but you still take them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you take them, you take them. We've got some pillows, don't we?
Speaker 2:Yeah, we've got some cool pillows as well, some memory foam ones, but these ones are a slightly different take on the traditional memory ones. They on the traditional memory ones. They've got little tiny bits of memory foam in them and you can take as much out as you want or add a bit more as less. And the other thing is the actual outside of this foam pillow is a two-sided new technology. It's not new technology, I think, it's just a new innovation for them to use. Yes, and it's cool on one side and warm on the other side, and it is really really good. I mean, I've, I'm using mine already. You're not using yours, are you, matt? Not yet. Yeah, but yeah, I definitely can tell the difference. It's definitely cooling my neck down and my head, so you know look out for them if you want to.
Speaker 1:I'll have to remember which side's which.
Speaker 2:Well, I think you'll find out when you put your head on it which side's. It's like anything in life, but yeah, so the home show was fun, so where did we go from there, Matt?
Speaker 1:We went to church and we went to Sydney Sauna didn't we, we thought let's try something different.
Speaker 2:Well, I haven't been there for months. Well, probably about a year actually, to be honest with you. Well, on a Sunday we used to go to 357 when that was open, and then I think we've been to the x by 357 which is the old body line, we've definitely been to arrows um, but because we were in the city anyway, we thought no we're going to go to a more marketplace, as normal well, it's not well.
Speaker 1:It is compared to arrows. Compared to arrows, definitely definitely. But three five x by 357 is pretty much on par yeah but a little. We thought, well, let's try, because we've been there a couple of times and it's been good.
Speaker 2:And you've been there a few lunchtime sessions. No, no, evening sessions after work. Oh yeah, sorry, evening sessions, evening sessions, I don't get to go up for lunch.
Speaker 1:Jesus, I wish I had a long lunch break like that, but I went after work a few times and had some very successful rendezvous, to say the least. So I thought let's check that one out, and we did.
Speaker 2:We got there around about half past one quarter to, didn't we?
Speaker 1:Yeah, something like that. So it wasn't early.
Speaker 2:It wasn't late, but in terms for a Sunday, it's probably 12 o'clock is probably about the best time to sort of rack up to those sort of places. Yeah, but it was busy what we got in there, wasn't it? It's probably about the best time to sort of rack up to those sort of places. Yeah, but it was busy when we got in there, wasn't it? So it was not sort of like. You know, you're going to walk around and wait for the crowd to build up.
Speaker 1:This time it was pretty cool. Well, when we got there, there was probably a slightly older demographic.
Speaker 2:When you say older, I mean you're talking like in most of them you get. The average demographics is like 30 to 35.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but there was probably a few 60s. Oh no, this one had a mixed demographic.
Speaker 2:This was really cool.
Speaker 1:No, I'm talking when we first walked in and we went oh fuck, everyone from Maros has come here. Yeah, yeah, Right, which is what we first initially thought 60 to 80 club, yeah. And then, upon walking around a little bit, we noticed that it was really quite mixed um and really varied of everyone.
Speaker 1:It was like it was different bodies, different shapes, different backgrounds, different definitely different cock sizes oh, but it was just like really really full-on wasn't it, but it was awesome, had such a fun day um and we we left there around about six and we were there for about four hours.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we did a decent session, yeah, and yeah, in that time frame, I mean, we managed to service a few people, just a few.
Speaker 1:We said we were going to do a clock count, but we forgot, didn't we? Halfway through, probably because the numbers actually piled up too quick.
Speaker 2:We didn't stop as such what we did.
Speaker 1:we did have a couple of breaks and we had coffee and a drink and everything else, and spoke to people about our podcast and gave them a few more cards out, cards out and stuff like that.
Speaker 2:But I didn't do my usual thing. Did I this time? No, you didn't.
Speaker 1:You didn't actually sort of accost anyone in the room, usually because their cock was in your mouth, I wasn't able to talk. This time was I.
Speaker 2:But there was some sizable dick there. Well, there was one incident where we're in the glory holes, weren't they? Matt and I was servicing this other guy down lower to where matt was, but we're in the same sort of like same cubicle kind of thing. But and then matt just grabbed hold of my hair pretty much and said then grab my arm and grab me where was? And the person that Matt was like entertaining, should I say was like Sucking Well, very sizable.
Speaker 1:So Dave thought can't leave that, I've got to get up and have a crack at that.
Speaker 2:I've got to give it a go, holy shit, and that was enormous.
Speaker 1:That was good, that was enormous, it was enormous. And yeah, dave finished him off. Yeah, it was enormous, it was enormous. And yeah, they finished him off. Yeah, fucking got covered in his jizz but that was fun. But look, yeah, there was lots of, lots, of, lots of lots of Well, you ended up going for Mexico.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, I went for a trip to Mexico. There was a little oh not little, there was a sort of Mexican guy there who was a sort of nice, sexy, sort of exactly what. When I say Mexican guy, it's exactly what you actually think. He was sort of like the solid-ish Hellgringle.
Speaker 1:Well, he had the little moustache and sort of nice body and stuff like that. But we sort of started making out a bit in the steam room and then he said, do you want to get a room? And I said hell yeah, and went back to the room and we were making out and then the next minute he sort of thrown me down and fucking started eating my ass like crazy. And then I was like bam. And it was like bam, oops, sorry, family, if you're listening, my family don't listen. It's okay, they checked out a while ago most of them. But yeah, so yeah, it was fun. And then he threw me around the room a bit and I forgot that I was 53 for a second there and I think the next day I sort of went fucking hell, my leg's a hole, my back's a hole, this is sore, and it was just like oh, that's why, that's why, because I was an athlete for a little while there, so that's pretty much Sunday, isn't it?
Speaker 1:Sunday yeah, that was Sunday, that was fun.
Speaker 2:So moving on to the rest of the week, I mean I had an eye appointment on Wednesday.
Speaker 1:Yeah, follow-up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so it's five weeks post my cataract surgery. I've had a lot of complications, unfortunately, with this eye. Um, those people that know me have witnessed, you know, me having issues with the bright lights not clearing and flaring up all the time. But my um ophthalmologist assures me everything's fine. He checked the pressures. He said look, you know, you obviously got a bit of a lazy eye on that one. It's not going to be as efficient as the other one, but look, it will get better. And I recommend I stop taking the drops because he said that was probably irritating my eye more. So, yeah, every day is different with my eye One minute it's blurry, then it's clear, then it's sore, then it's like weeping. Look, I mean I'm not going to move on. And, yeah, accept it for what it is it's been a bitch, to say the least, this one.
Speaker 1:It's definitely been a bit of a bitch, this one, so it hasn't been as fun.
Speaker 2:I can see for it. So that's the main thing. Yeah, correct.
Speaker 1:And it is getting better.
Speaker 2:It is. It's just frustrating, that's all yeah definitely so.
Speaker 1:before Monday, even before Sunday, we actually went to a 50th birthday party.
Speaker 2:We did, indeed we did. We forgot about that one, and that was and how could we forget?
Speaker 1:Well, that was Saturday. Saturday, that was the Saturday night we actually went to the 50th birthday.
Speaker 2:And that was Bonnie and Clyde's Bonnie and Clyde, but it was Bonnie's birthday.
Speaker 1:It was Bonnie's birthday. Solyde is the guy that actually inspired this whole podcast, so um so again we had some chats with with him around um different adventures and stuff like that, and he and he was dressed in a very.
Speaker 2:It was so cool so what was the theme? The theme was, oh my god, the theme was.
Speaker 1:It starts with a, c and um. It's a big musical festival. Coachella, coachella, coachella was the theme, so it was all festivals, the wear and stuff like that. Now, not many people got dressed up because it's quite an ambiguous theme, but Bodhi looked good, didn't she? Bodhi looked awesome and then she came out and did an opening number as well, which is so cool. I loved it.
Speaker 2:They'd actually hired or she'd actually hired a DJ and a saxophonist, didn't she? Yeah, a saxophone player yep In her back garden garage and I swear to God, it was like being in a club.
Speaker 1:It was like a club. It was so good it was in a proper gig. Like you know, the thing is the money she must have spent on that night. The catering was sensational, just the entertainment. The people that were there were having an absolute ball.
Speaker 2:It was a mixed cross-section one that there was a younger guys which were aged around about well, they have lots of different children, yeah, but there were 20 to 26 year olds.
Speaker 1:There was that little group of people there, yeah, and then we had the older people, including ourselves, that were sort of like yeah, on different tables, yeah, yeah, and we all sort of basically chat around, sat around chatting at different stages to, yeah, and we all sort of basically sat around chatting at different stages to different people and stuff like that as well. But Clyde had on this little sequin number he had like these little sequin hot pants, Pinky sort of colour Pink pink, definitely pink.
Speaker 1:Matching top and pants, match top and pants, like a little singlet and pants and stuff like that. It was very cool. It was lots of fun, lots of fun. Very cool, it was lots of fun, lots of fun, very exposing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, didn't hate that, but he's professed his desire to come to church with us one day. He's definitely a straight man, but he wants to come and check it out.
Speaker 2:He's just very curious and he gets really off on the fact that his curiosity, I wouldn't say off he gets excited. No, I mean he gets off on the fact that the curiosity takes over his inquisitiveness. Yeah, he gets super excited.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly that's what I mean by. Also, he gets really sort of like it's like a puppy dog that gets sort of like with the ball um and stuff like that, because of the, the, the lack of a lack of knowledge from a direct sense.
Speaker 2:I suppose his inquisitiveness takes over his excitability. 100 and it becomes extremely um what's the word um happy. I suppose. He becomes very gay, isn't he? No, he's very gay about it.
Speaker 1:It's like his attitude towards the excitement level gets infectious and it is actually really really good and it's cute, really good indeed. But yeah, so it's lots of fun. It's all fun. I know I'm just looking at your hands under the table and you're wiggling like crazy. I'm wondering what the fuck you're doing there. I'm playing with the drawstring of my shoulders. Put it down. It's distracting me and I can't focus. You know, I can't multitask and I'm focusing on one thing, it looks like you're actually having a wank.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm.
Speaker 1:That was down to you. Dave had a sleepover last night. So I woke up and it was like, I guess, so let's do this, let's have some fun, let's start the day right empty.
Speaker 2:But yeah, I did, so we did.
Speaker 1:But yeah, so 50th check was lots of fun lots and lots of fun and hang on generations. All right, this party was fully catered for. I'm talking exclusive. Yeah, proper, I'm talking proper beef brisket.
Speaker 2:Pulled pork and everything. Oh my God.
Speaker 1:How hard is beef brisket to say? Apparently very hard.
Speaker 2:But it was amazing, the food was beautiful.
Speaker 1:Salads roll.
Speaker 2:But you're talking high-end stuff, aren't you? It was beautiful.
Speaker 1:What did the?
Speaker 2:teenagers all bring Dave. They went to McDonald's, didn't they?
Speaker 1:They literally turned up with bags and bags and bags of Maccas, and we're sitting there going. What the fuck? There's all this really good food here. Are these the?
Speaker 2:kids of them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah, so there's all this really good food. I'm sitting there going, oh my God, like God, like seriously generations. I don't know, I don't know, Don't come to me and tell me that it's cost a living. Just quietly, all right.
Speaker 2:But fun. It was a fun night, lots of fun.
Speaker 1:So I know this is not really exciting for anyone else, but it is exciting for me. I bought Cyndi Lauper tickets. Cyndi Lauper is one of my idols and I'm just putting it out there. I'm going to Newcastle because I couldn't get Sydney tickets, so I'm very excited to go and see Cindy. But you're going on your own, aren't you? Yeah, you bet I'm going on my own because I didn't want to fuck around and try and ask everyone.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't think you would have had the option, really.
Speaker 1:And then, when everyone else. When I told them, yeah, I was booked for Newcastle, they're I would have come. Maybe I wouldn't have come, and that's why I didn't want to fuck around. So I've got myself some Cindy Lorber tickets. Very excited to see her in April. If Cindy gets a hold of this and wants to invite me backstage or even on stage to sing with her, I'll happily do that as well.
Speaker 2:That'd be the dream of a lifetime, and what else happened this week, matt.
Speaker 1:What else happened this week?
Speaker 2:So on.
Speaker 1:Wednesday night.
Speaker 2:Oh no.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, on Wednesday Wednesday.
Speaker 2:No, last week you were. Were you summoned last Wednesday?
Speaker 1:No, so I got a jury notice to go and serve on the jury, right? So everyone knows that when you get jury notice you turn up and they never ever select you If you turn up, if you get that no well, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So I got served a couple of years ago now a few years ago now and I turned up and had to wait around for a couple of days and then never actually got to the point of even getting selected and stuff like that. Well, this time around, I got into the courtroom, all that kind of stuff, and I actually got selected. So I'm currently sitting on a jury, which is really exciting. Obviously can't say anything about it apart from the fact that I have been selected as a juror and it's interesting, to say the least. Look, if you get the opportunity to, it's obviously. It's a privilege, I think, and it is interesting. It's something that is depending on what case you get, I guess, and stuff like that. For the one that I've got, it can be confronting, can't it? It's interesting, it's something that is depending on what case you get, I guess, and stuff like that for the one that I've got.
Speaker 2:It can be confronting, can't it? It's confronting.
Speaker 1:It's definitely confronting for my brain, my ADHD brain.
Speaker 2:It's just not like you're concentrating on a focus. Someone's life is potentially.
Speaker 1:I'm helping make a decision on. Luckily there's 12 of us and not just me, otherwise I would weigh really heavy. But it's kind of us and not just me, otherwise I would weigh really heavy. But it's kind of cool and kind of very interesting and I'm bloody loving it.
Speaker 2:That's you tapping on me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's me tapping when you put your hands on the table so I can't focus, oh dear God. So yes, I had Juru, judy, and it's lots and lots and lots of fun, but definitely, definitely exciting. And then what did we do?
Speaker 2:wednesday night dave, wednesday night we went to paint and sit map, paint and sip. It was sip and it was held by terry dactyl terry dactyl, so t-e-r-r-y dot d-a-k-t-y-l.
Speaker 1:Follow her on instagram. She's a drag drag queen drag, yeah, drag queen. Yeah, she has. She also does drag king as well. Very talented, super talented, very fun, very tall, very tall she's six foot without heels, and then when she puts heels on, like Miami and Britney are not short girls. No, not at all, but she made them look like midgets. So it was just like but super fun, super talented, Now painting skills, have I got any Dave?
Speaker 2:Well, you did, you did to start with. On the first couple of strokes you had some skills.
Speaker 1:I put paint on a canvas.
Speaker 2:Look all I'll say is Matt, Did it turn out?
Speaker 1:we painted an alpaca. Did mine look like an alpaca?
Speaker 2:I think. What was the quote that she said? She said I recognise your picture from somewhere. It's from Madagascar.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I said it's Julian the monkey From Madagascar. I think your painting went wrong when you started painting red lips on this thing. Look, I dragged it up.
Speaker 1:Once I realised which was quite early on, that my painting was not going to look like the painting it was supposed to look like, I went ah, fuck it.
Speaker 2:But you didn't stop, did you no?
Speaker 1:you can check out our Fully Grown Homos Instagram page to see such wondrous art results. They are definitely something to behold, but if you get the opportunity to go and do a paint and sip, oh look, matt is happy to sign it and put it out there.
Speaker 2:If anybody wants to win it, oh, I'll auction it, I'll auction it for Charity, fuck charity for myself Holiday money. For more holiday money.
Speaker 1:Yeah, definitely. But Terri Dactyl was so much fun Get along to one of her shows, one of her gigs and stuff like that.
Speaker 2:Where's she located, Mark?
Speaker 1:She's actually located up in Queensland.
Speaker 2:Yeah, brisbane isn't she?
Speaker 1:But she does roam the whole of Australia with this paint and sip situation, yep. So look up her Insta and I'm no doubt you can find it, or even if you want to go to any painting.
Speaker 2:Sip, support your local artists, support your local charity events and go along, because you will have fun. They're fun and there was probably about what? 40 people in there. Yeah, about 40 people. And there was four men Well, me, matt and two other men.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and there was varying degrees of talent. From a artistry's perspective, there was a young girl there that was phenomenal. Hers was just like spectacular and I thought, wow, you're obviously studying art.
Speaker 2:But it was really weird, though, during the actual process, I mean everybody, because we do it in stages. They do the outline, and everything else and it's all rough. It's not sort of like pre-drawn for you or anything like that?
Speaker 2:No, it's not, unfortunately're all you're all doing it freehand and basically you know, you look around the rooms and everybody in the initial start was very similar, wasn't they? They were very, very similar ish, you know? I mean in terms of like, yeah, but fuck me, by the time you got to the midway session, they were looking completely different. And hell, by the end of the night, everybody was one of like et, wasn't it? Yeah, well, so these are meant to be cheeks of the night. Everybody there was one at like ET, wasn't there? Yeah, well, I looked at it.
Speaker 2:So they were meant to be cheeks of the actual alpaca but this woman had actually painted big eyes on it so it looked like fucking ET with a big long neck.
Speaker 1:It was, it was, but it was like hilarious wasn't it Not going to lie and pass it off as my own?
Speaker 2:There's a woman who came up to me, didn't she? She said oh, I'm doing this for work, Can you give me yours? Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:She wanted to swap with Dave's because he's actually turned out really good. But Dave studied art and done all that kind of stuff as well. But even though he wasn't, that good.
Speaker 2:I mean, I could have done, he was that good.
Speaker 1:He wasn't that good Again check out. Instagram Fully Grown Homos. It's up there.
Speaker 2:Check it out, have a look, and I've also tagged Terry Dactyl in it, so you can actually go to that painting and then follow on from her. Like I said, have fun, do these things and yeah, I'll definitely go to a few more of these as well. 100% 100%. That was Wednesday, wasn't it? It was.
Speaker 1:Wednesday. I know Wednesday, I know, like I said, we have done a lot.
Speaker 2:And then moving on to this weekend, as in this Saturday, Yesterday and we had a massive day yesterday, didn't we?
Speaker 1:Had a big day, nearly 15,000 steps, something like that. I think it ended up at the end of the day.
Speaker 2:So we went to Bondi, went to Bondi and they have the annual sculptures by the sea.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And we've done this second year running. For us, isn't it? Yeah, we love taking a nice stroll around Bondi, so we took Brittany and her partner or husband.
Speaker 1:Justin, justin.
Speaker 2:And their daughter, who is seven Yep. And we also met up with another friend of ours called Amy Yep We'll go with that Yep. And we also met up with another friend of ours called Amy Yep.
Speaker 1:We'll go with that Yep.
Speaker 2:We're not giving real names out, unfortunately. Yeah, so Amy's, first of all. She's a lovely lady as well, she's adorable so she came and met us there. We'd had breakfast, so we got there for about nine o'clock, haven't we? Yeah, something like that we had breakfast at the pavilion in Bondi. One of the rest Surf fish, yeah, but it's at the pavilion area.
Speaker 1:Yeah, really, and really can I say we're sitting on Bondi Beach right, and a bacon and egg roll was $10, right, but it was nice. No, it was delicious. It was like brioche bun and barbecue sauce, like everyone had, because I don't do the runny eggs, I think they're gross, right, everyone else had the filthy runny eggs, right, but these like, but talking about, this.
Speaker 2:They're busy. I mean, you know you get a charge more in Penrith.
Speaker 1:Yeah, correct, Absolutely, and it was a really good coffee, sort of great bacon and egg roll to start the day off. And that was shout out to britney for buying that. Yeah, thanks, britney, um for bricky um, but it was like a really good start to the day.
Speaker 2:Then we all sort of jumped down to the beach and sort of played around, but it was fucking cold on, it was freezing, oh god we all had.
Speaker 1:We all took off our shorts and t-shirts and everything else.
Speaker 2:But we knew that to take longer stuff for later on, because we were planning on going out somewhere else anyway. So we said look, you know, we'll take some longer clothes or longer trousers and long tops and stuff with us for later on. Leave them in the car. But it turned out we ended up not we kept our shorts on, but we just ended up putting layers of like longer sleeves and tops and jackets. And it was bitterly cold in the wind, wasn't it?
Speaker 1:It was still beautiful, nice sunshine but it was the wind which is so strong. It went from one to the other. It was like the moment you got anywhere that the wind was blocked. It was so warm and you were taking your jacket off and then you'd turn around the corner and the frigging wind had cut through you again and it was like freezing again and you'd sit there like oh my God, but but the artwork.
Speaker 2:So Look, I mean, if you've never been there and you live local to the area, even if you don't, and you want to visit at a future time. I mean, unfortunately it's only on for three weeks, isn't it?
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Which is, again. It's such a shame for the amount of effort and time and the actual impact that these sculptures make on the top end of that cliff face. It's unbelievable, yeah, absolutely stunning. You know what I is unbelievable, yeah, absolutely stunning, you know. I mean, and some of them need to be there permanently because they're just such a good thing to look at.
Speaker 1:They're very cool some of them.
Speaker 2:So some of them you can see from a distance and when we were down at the bottom of bondi beach, you could look across and you could see on the hills, the cliff tops. We walk around these big structures, we did and what they were until we got there, and then obviously, it became more apparent as we got there, um, but when you get there as well, on on the top end, there's a big flat area that they have a big pop-up tent. Marks Park, yeah, marks.
Speaker 1:Park For any of our cruising homos, they'll know about Marks Park.
Speaker 2:Okay, well, I didn't know that was what it was, so.
Speaker 1:Marks Park actually has a bit of gay history to it. It's been a cruising area for a long time and there's a podcast called Bondi Badlands.
Speaker 1:And there's a podcast called Bondi Badlands and it actually talks about the bashings of gay men in the late 80s and early 90s and stuff like that, and there was a couple of murders, there was a couple of people that were actually thrown over the cliffs there, wow, and it's a great series Bondi Badlands. So give that a listen. Give that a listen. I'll have to watch that. It's a podcast, so you'll have to give that a listen um, it's, it's a podcast.
Speaker 1:Okay, listen, right um so we'll make a good series, like the kings of the cross yeah, yeah, definitely, awesome, definitely, um, but it's look, it's quite sad, but there is some history there as well.
Speaker 2:So when I walk around that area, you kind of have like that this is great nostalgic, but it's a bit like well, yeah, at a different time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I believe it's.
Speaker 2:I don't know if it's a cruising area, still Well, when we were walking around, I did hear someone sorry someone talking about people taking their dogs and it was a cruising area, but I didn't know what he was referring to. So yeah, he was talking to his mom and his sister, and he would have been probably in his 30s, so he might have a bit more history. I was just eavesdropping because it was like, okay, listen to this, he was talking about gay stuff. Okay, yeah, um, but yeah, that makes sense.
Speaker 1:Now, matt 100. It also makes sense with a guy at the urinal, doesn't it? Oh my god, yeah, wow, they went for a wee.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I don't normally, I don't normally get a chance to look like matt does sometimes I do, sometimes I don't but this was just like oh my God, bit of a monster. This guy just came in after I went in there. It weren't open urinals, but enough for you to see over. You know what I mean, close enough. He went right next to me and he was like, oh fucking hell.
Speaker 1:In fact, they were open urinals. Yeah, they were, they were, yeah, they were actually yeah, and he just flopped this thing out.
Speaker 2:I nearly wet my fucking pants. I nearly wet my fucking pants because I didn't know what to do.
Speaker 1:You came everywhere.
Speaker 2:And then Matt came in, just as he came out, and I was like bye, bye, bye bye, we'll get back in there.
Speaker 1:Quick, take him back.
Speaker 2:And he hung around all outside until Matt got out there and then he walked away, didn't he?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know what his intentions were Shit.
Speaker 2:If I had known I would. There was a lot of perving, there wasn't there.
Speaker 1:So what other exciting sculptures were there.
Speaker 2:But yeah, what I was going to say, going back, just going back prior to you talking about the Badlands thing. So there's a tent that is erected there every year. And it has all the artists' original sculptures in it and you're talking like the smaller versions that you put in a home, you know. So they're all sizable in terms of like decoration for a posh house would be, I suppose.
Speaker 1:Well for an art lover's house, For an art lover's house.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because I mean the cost of some of these items are like $6,000, $7,000, you know so it's not cheap.
Speaker 1:So they ranged, they ranged, and so there's some, and art is subjective. Okay, I get that, I'm not.
Speaker 2:I love art.
Speaker 1:Dave loves art. He's studied, he's done all that kind of shit. I'm definitely not. I'm a boy from the Druid and I don't give a flying fuck. Generally, I like what I like. So if I'm on a cruise ship and I see something that I like, I'll buy it. Or if I'm somewhere out and I see something that I like, I'll buy it. I'll buy it, but I'll buy it as an investment. He'll buy the first one of whatever edition or originals or something like that.
Speaker 1:Now there was one piece I want to call out from yesterday's sculptures. It was basically a fucking block of sandstone with a white line painted across the middle right on a little metal stand right, and it was $12,000. $12,000. Right, me and Amy were looking at it and going $12,000 for a block of sandstone. Like you've got to be kidding. And it wasn't big, it was the size of A brick.
Speaker 2:Yeah, probably A house brick? No probably about two times-.
Speaker 1:Yeah, a breeze block. Yeah, Probably about like three times the size of a normal house brick, but it wasn't anything artistic in it whatsoever and I apologise to the artist that made that, that thinks it's amazing.
Speaker 2:But $12,000,. You're fucking kidding me. And there were some other ones that were cheaper than that. They were far better.
Speaker 1:It was phenomenal, the girl that was sort of made, that looked like it was completely made of like layers of glass.
Speaker 2:she was spectacular. Yeah, this one was probably about the size of um I would say a young adult yeah, a 10 year old, so it's about four foot six heightish, but it was like a girl. You could tell it was a girl in a dress, if the only way, the only description I could say is remember squid games, matt, and you had that big giant doll yeah, it's like that, but on a smaller scale, a lot smaller scale.
Speaker 1:Scale, but completely made of glass.
Speaker 2:So she had the dress on. You could tell everything about it, but it was almost is layered, it's almost like it's almost. To me it reminded me of an ice sculpture. Yes, yes, it was that good. Yeah, you know, I mean, it was really good, and normally what happens is all those people that are chosen for the event they showcase their um sculptures in this tent. You get the opportunity to buy them if they haven't been sold, if they haven't been sold before. Some of them are mass produced in a series maximum 20 or whatever it might be.
Speaker 2:On this, um, again, again, that's a great thing for them. Um, and then, if they are chosen predominantly, they then get a chance to replicate that as the main items, what you walk around, the actual thing. So you're talking like 5, 10, 15, 20 times the size, in some cases even bigger. You know, I mean so and it's amazing, some of them are identical to what they've made.
Speaker 2:Others are slightly reference deviated off or they do the collection, yeah, or there might be different sizes sometimes they might have it and then be inspired and say, okay, I'm going to add onto this or make a different sort of like sculpture that's referenced to the sculpture inside. Yeah, correct, if that makes sense. If you've never been, it's a free event. Definitely go and do it and take friends with you, have a fun day out. So what would have been one of your favourites, well, there's one too.
Speaker 1:No, give me two, because otherwise we'll be here till midnight.
Speaker 2:Well, obviously the main one which we all loved in Gravitated was the gorilla.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the big monkey's nuts.
Speaker 2:There was this big gorilla, but it was called Golden Balls, yeah Right, and the reason being is the gorilla's testicles, balls, balls, balls, whatever you want to call them. Nuts were painted gold and they were prominent. He was laying on his back with his arm up, with his knee crossed over and his balls hanging down just like a casual lay back in a very, very subjective way you know it's just a casual lay back.
Speaker 2:It's like he's laying back, but he's nuts for a freaking huge but some, but most of these sculptures you can't really touch because obviously you know people don't want them to be damaged or anything. But some of them are. They allow you to interact with them and this one was an interaction one so you could climb over it and you can lay on it and touch it.
Speaker 1:But Matt and oh, you've got to rub his nuts for good luck. Yeah, so we did so.
Speaker 2:Matt was there with Justin and Brittany's daughter Yep, and they were having fun.
Speaker 1:We were rubbing these nuts for luck. Yeah, and it was fun. So it was lots and lots of fun. Yep, so that was one of your faves. What else, well, I?
Speaker 2:think it was a lot of people's faves, but looks of it, it definitely was A lot of people. And the other one I liked cheese.
Speaker 1:It's that sort of shape, that cylindrical, like, yeah, like really, it definitely was a rocket but it was a big like it was huge, so the one inside was probably about a meter tall. Yeah, right, one outside and that side was at least about like one about 15't know about 15 feet, something like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it was on the prominent point where you can see it from the cliff top. That's what we could see from the distance.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and then we got closer and you're like, holy shit, it just got more and more impressive as you went up there.
Speaker 2:But because it's made of like aluminium sort of effect or stainless steel.
Speaker 1:It was reflective. That was really cool, and the other one I really liked was the tortoise. Like there was these two tortoises or turtles or whatever. Made of different stones, made of sandstone, but they were textural, oh textural.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:Fucking, my words aren't wording today and you could feel it was another interactive one.
Speaker 2:So there was one upside down on his back. No, they were both sitting on top of each other. But I thought they were turning upside down. No, I thought one was because they had that glass sphere between them and they were kissing it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they were both, one on top of the other, one's back.
Speaker 2:I thought it was like one upside down and one the other way around.
Speaker 1:Let me just check this. Let me just check this my interpretation was.
Speaker 2:one was on his shell, upside down, looking at the other one on top, where's the turtles?
Speaker 1:And they had this glass sphere that they were kissing.
Speaker 2:Hang on, hang on, hang on.
Speaker 1:You could be right, mate, I could be wrong. I usually am no. No, sometimes I'm right.
Speaker 2:He's going to check his pictures.
Speaker 1:I'm just checking my pictures and I can't even fucking find them.
Speaker 2:It'll be one of the first ones. No.
Speaker 1:I've got it somewhere in here, but it's just like sometimes this phone does what it does, so can you space it as well. Yeah, no, no, I don't need to go to post, I've got it in the actual phone. But yeah, so anyway, regardless of where the turtles were posted they were actually no, no, so they're both up the right way. Let's have a look. One's just standing up and he's got his head back.
Speaker 2:Oh right, he's just turned his head around. I knew they were kissing, that's why I thought they were together around.
Speaker 1:And he's like kissing, like holding a glass ball in between each like the mouth. It's like a medium sort of sphere. Yeah, it's really really cool. But it was actually textured. Textured and like they'd polished some of the sandstone and stuff like that, but and like they'd polish some of the sandstone and stuff like that. But my other probably my favourite one was actually it's like a clock, but it was almost melted yeah.
Speaker 2:So he's talking about this one that's inside, right.
Speaker 1:It's like a clock and it's got people. It was melted but it had a clock, but it had people going around the inside and it was like time basically just continued.
Speaker 2:So basically the woman or the character inside is moving around the clock face, but it's an elliptical one, yeah, and as they move around from like 12 o'clock down, they move around with it. So they're upside down by the time they get to 12 or 6. No, by the time they get to 12, they're upside down. By the time they get to 6, they're fully upright. Yeah, and if you get the drift then you walk around. So as you get to nine o'clock they're sort of like leaning over towards like a 90 degree, a horizontal. Yeah, yeah, it's very clever. And then on the outside, one of that replication it was all colorful.
Speaker 1:It was colorful so it went from day to night, yeah, um, but it also then showed buildings within the people, so it showed the harbour bridge it showed different cityscapes and stuff like that and how they would kind of look on the sunset so it was painted.
Speaker 2:It was done in like orange and blues to reflect the dark and the light, yeah, the sunsets and sunrises, but it was so cleverly done it was. It was really quite cool, and again, that was quite a big statement piece, wasn't?
Speaker 1:it. It was huge. It was huge and it was. It was beautiful. But look lots and lots of fun at sculptures by the sea.
Speaker 2:Um, definitely had um the other one I liked, which I was going to tell you about, was the banana with a shark oh yeah, shark nana, shark nana shark nana was friggin awesome.
Speaker 1:So that was awesome in the small set, yeah, and even on the on the actual cliff face it very impressive.
Speaker 2:So they basically had a peeled banana, half peeled, and instead of having the banana coming out, it was a great white shark's head and it was open and it was so clever Teeth were there. It was amazing. It just looked so cool.
Speaker 1:Honestly, it was whoever had that concept. Because it was fun. It was sold.
Speaker 2:And it was whimsical and that sold.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was definitely sold. It was sold as well, wasn't it? And it was whimsical and that sold. Yeah, it was definitely sold. It was whimsical and it was fun and it was light, but it was really clever and really, really, really well done as well.
Speaker 2:But we also had a few pictures that we took on the beach that weren't sculptures.
Speaker 1:You mean by moving sculptures, dave, like men that have been sculpted.
Speaker 2:Not just them. I'm on about the sea life. Oh, you're talking about the blue bottles, not the hot men. There'd obviously been a title Flow or something like that.
Speaker 1:There was blue bottles everywhere In different stages of decomposition and everything else.
Speaker 2:But it was so cool for taking pictures, because the sun was coming through and I was obsessed with these. Dave has got 4,000 photos of blue bottles on his phone now and everybody was asking me if I was cataloguing them.
Speaker 1:We're sitting there wanting an ice cream and Dave's just literally going from blue bottle to blue bottle taking another photo and we're sitting there going. Is he fucking working for National? What is it?
Speaker 2:National Enquirer or somebody like that. I don't know whatever.
Speaker 1:Anyway, some nature wildlife adventurer, but it was quite amusing.
Speaker 2:It was quite amusing, but it was also very busy there this year compared to last year, wasn't it? Yeah, in terms of the day we went I mean, when we went the last year it was a more manageable crowd.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And we weren't sort of like boxed in and we weren't sort of like boxed in, but this time it was quite boxy going up. So normally we walk the length of the actual showcase, all the way down to the beach and then back up again, is it? Tamarama Beach yeah, tamarama, and we walk back up the same way we come back, but this time we ended up walking back.
Speaker 1:It was just too difficult to go back over again. Too many people, but yeah.
Speaker 2:But we got to see everything, didn't we? So we did, and and it was lots and lots of fun. And then, from there, we then went over to coogee beach. Coogee beach and that's a lovely beach if you've never been there or want to go there, um, beautiful, yeah.
Speaker 1:And we went and sat there and had had a drink at the hotel and then had some fish and late lunch, wasn't it late lunch? Fish and chips that was expensive. Was it on the park bench? Yeah, fucking hell like fish and chips.
Speaker 2:It was like fish and chips was like 70 bucks and you sit there and you go like what the fuck? You know, I could have had like a proper meal. Oh look, I mean it was still cheaper than buying anything. We had fun anyway.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we had fun we had fun and I think the thing that made it a great day was the people that we were hoping were going to be able to join us couldn't make it.
Speaker 2:So you know, another year, another time and hopefully we'll have a bigger event next year yeah um, but like you said, I mean, it's one of those things you have to plan and sometimes your plans get in the way of things and I've done that over the past years I mean I've this is only second year for me going.
Speaker 2:I've always said I'm going to go, go, go and then something happens and I miss it because I'm gone for three weeks. But if you do ever get a chance to go, definitely work your calendar to suit one of those days because you won't be disappointed regardless, you know.
Speaker 1:So, if you have the opportunity to go during the week, um try and do that because it'll be less crazy and otherwise that's pretty much our week.
Speaker 2:Really want it, you know um, but what?
Speaker 1:but what's coming up, Dave, what's coming up?
Speaker 2:three weeks away. Well, that's in three weeks now, Matt.
Speaker 1:So three weeks. What are we doing?
Speaker 2:Well, just falling off. I mean, Matt went and got his Botox done today.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, I got my Botox today.
Speaker 2:I was meant to get anything like Botox and stuff like that. So for me, I went there with the intention of having it done and they were very, very good. They turned around and said look, you know.
Speaker 2:the doctor said no, we're not going to take any chances, especially with your teeth, and if you're under any antibiotics, we've got to wait for that, but I'll be snatched in no time at all, yeah, so hopefully I'll be booked in again, or I'm scheduled to go and have it done in two weeks' time now instead, yep, and then hopefully, all my wrinkles around my eyes and my forehead will, and you'll be young again.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'll feel young again.
Speaker 2:Like myself. Yeah Well, we'll see what matters anyway.
Speaker 1:I mean his is working already, I think, and that's in, it is. Look at me, I already look 30. But that's in preparation, because we do have literally three weeks, just under three weeks, to go till we fly up to Singapore and then on our cruise on the way back, which obviously we're taking our podcaster for. Which we'll take our staff for.
Speaker 2:So we've decided that we're going to do a reality versus what do you call it? Expectation versus reality, Expectation versus reality. So what we're going to do is we're going to go there where the expectations of what we have read up on these areas and everything else, and we're going to give a full debrief in reality terms.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And hopefully they will match up to some degree.
Speaker 1:I hope they do. I mean, hopefully they're better, hopefully they're better, I mean, but we'll make them better anyway, who knows? But yeah, It'll be fun.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely sun absolutely no doubt, and I cannot wait just to have a holiday. Yeah, um, get some cocktails, and maybe the whole thing and a few other cocktails as well.
Speaker 1:Some tales to talk about tales and cocks, um, but yeah, we'll have a lot of fun doing that but obviously we hopefully do a few more podcasts in between and, if we get the opportunity as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, um, we hope that you've enjoyed listening to this segment. I know it's been slightly different to what we normally talk about but, yeah, we try and keep everything real and lighthearted and hopefully you'll continue to enjoy listening to us on the podcast.
Speaker 1:And if you have any suggestions or ideas on what we'd like us to talk about, just shoot us through a message on any of our socials Fully Grown High Modes Podcast or our email, which is fullygrownhighmodespodcast at gmailcom.