Fully Grown Homos Podcast
Fully Grown Homos Podcast
Top Gay Anthems and Iconic LGBTQ+ Music Legends
Ever wondered which song holds the top spot as the ultimate gay anthem? Join us as we take you on a glittering tour through the top ten gay anthems of all time, celebrating the music that has defined an era and a community. We uncover the timeless charm of classics like the Village People's "YMCA" and ABBA's "Dancing Queen," while reflecting on the powerful contributions from iconic artists like Britney Spears, Donna Summer, and Cindy Lauper. Learn how these anthems not only provided a soundtrack to our lives but also sparked emotions and societal change.
What makes an artist a true LGBTQ+ icon? We reminisce about the 80s and 90s, an era that birthed icons like Erasure, George Michael, and Diana Ross, who brought unparalleled joy and representation. Fast forward to today, and feel the energy of contemporary powerhouses like Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande, who continue to champion LGBTQ+ rights. From Cher's timeless appeal to Elton John's soulful ballads, we explore how these legends have carved out spaces of joy, advocacy, and representation through their indelible music.
Ready to create the ultimate "fully grown homo playlist"? We wrap up with a vibrant celebration of the top ten LGBTQ+ music icons, featuring household names like Kylie Minogue, ABBA, Cher, and Madonna. Revel in the high camp value and cultural significance of artists like Lady Gaga, George Michael, and the Village People, whose music continues to resonate within the queer community. Join us, Dave and Matt, as we sign off this episode with the promise of more engaging and inspiring content ahead. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay connected with your Fully Grown Homos!
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Hey Dave. Yes, matt, are you ready for a quickie? I'm ready for a quick rumble. If that's what you want, I'm talking about a quick chat. Oh okay, let's go for it.
Speaker 2:then let's do it. Welcome to Fully Grown Homos with Dave and Matt, and today we're doing another round of top tens. What top tens are we going to talk about today, dave?
Speaker 1:Today, matt, we're talking about gay songs of all time, the gayest songs the gayest anthems.
Speaker 2:These are our choices, our choices. What makes them fun? We'll narrow it down eventually.
Speaker 1:We initially contemplated doing 80s, but as we went through the list it spiralled and we ended up thinking, well, fuck it, we'll just do everything we've got everything, everything that's gay, gay music that's our take as well. There's be other gay songs out there that probably resonate with you guys.
Speaker 2:But hey, you know, hopefully our choices will be your choices too yeah, I'd love to know what some of your favorite gay tunes that you jam out to when you're feeling a little bit spicy yeah as a friend used to call it I think any song with a gayness in it brings happiness to everybody in the world.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, correct, okay so let's start off. Matt, I'm going to give you my first one. Hit me, hit me, baby.
Speaker 2:No, that's a good song as well, it is yeah, but yeah, britney's gay yeah, especially the circus album. Sorry I digress.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we were talking earlier, before we came online and yeah we were just talking about things and that's just obviously hit Matt's testicles. I think he's just got excited, so yeah, so basically my first song is obviously the Village People, Village People.
Speaker 2:YMCA? Or what about In the Navy? That should be your song.
Speaker 1:Well, no, because I was in the Air Force, Army, navy, air Force same thing, yeah, same thing.
Speaker 2:why I'm saying because it's got, it's got men in uniform in that all the time and they get to do the moves.
Speaker 1:They're out there, you've got to dance, but it's just so iconic though I mean, you know, when people say gay movie, gay songs, well, gay movie too, yeah, but yeah, back in the day for sure, um the village people village, people are always going to be up there somewhere. Yeah, iconically gay. Yeah, followed by the next biggest one or the bigger, bigger than them again is kylie. No, abba, oh abba. Abba is generations and generations and decades of of homos have grown up on abba yeah, but but even today even today, they're still releasing music based on the 80s and their early stuff, correct, never ending.
Speaker 2:So Dancing Queen is probably the big one for the gays.
Speaker 1:Well yeah, dancing Queen, absolutely Like Kylie Rue recorded that as well. That's what I'm saying. That's how many people take on.
Speaker 2:Many people have taken on abba songs and stuff. Many people haven't done. Village people songs, no, but they should do.
Speaker 1:Maybe we need to get um cyril to do a remix.
Speaker 2:Oh, that'd be cool actually, or you know, it's right yeah yeah, let's get.
Speaker 1:Come on. Cyril, get on.
Speaker 2:And get on to our podcast and, yeah, do it get on it, brother.
Speaker 1:There's some talented djs out there that can really make good remixes out there. Yeah, um donna summer.
Speaker 2:Like anything by Donna Summer, but I especially love, love, love, love to love you baby.
Speaker 1:Like I love to love you, baby. See, I feel the love is better, I feel the love. I like that one. Ooh, I feel love. I feel love. That's it, yeah, and that's been covered multiple times as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, 100%. So yeah, donna Summer, she's a gay icon. She's little known fact. I actually don't cry in general.
Speaker 1:Oh, you mean, you don't cry, I don't cry. Oh, I thought you meant to say please don't cry.
Speaker 2:No, I don't cry at all. Very often I've heard you say please don't cry, no, I don't cry at all very often. But when Donna Summer passed, I actually shed a tear and like she's a celebrity it's not like I know her, but I think her music was so she influenced you important in my life.
Speaker 1:Well, this is it, matt. I mean, I think music full stop influences everybody, yeah, and I think without music the world would be a very, very sad.
Speaker 2:Oh, it would be, it would be, yeah it would be a shit place and without and. And I don't think it was just the music for donna summer, I think it's the what she stood for in the house she stood up.
Speaker 1:She was an icon in it.
Speaker 2:She stood up for people as well, like I mean, like she's advocator yeah, which is which leads on to our biggest advocate, who has a lesbian sister herself, cindy lauper. Right now, she has been an advocate and an ally for the queer community, the LGBTQ plus community, for a long time, for eternity because she's always been different herself, right, so she knows what it's like to be different. But she genuinely stands up and I mean stands up at a cost to herself, sometimes for the community she will represent in Parliament, she'll march, she'll fundraise, she'll do everything and she has done for years and years. And obviously True Colours for her was written about a friend of hers passing and stuff like that, or that's how she interpreted it, and look, because it wasn't originally her song. Or that's how she interpreted it, and look, because it wasn't originally her song, was it?
Speaker 1:No, it wasn't her song, but her version was again like Whitney Houston's version of Dolly. Parton's Girls Just.
Speaker 2:Want to have Fun, wasn't hers either.
Speaker 1:No, but she made them, she made it hers and she made them something Rememorable, yeah, something Without her singing them, then we wouldn't know them.
Speaker 2:No, correct, exactly. And.
Speaker 1:I love Cindy Roper and that goes for a lot of artists out there that have made other reproductions of an original song, but their one is far better. Same with Robin and Dunstan. On my own with Callum Scott.
Speaker 2:His version is far more Well. It's got feeling for him. Hers is a beautiful version.
Speaker 1:Absolutely, they're both equal, but his is a lot more memorable. Yeah, correct for sure.
Speaker 2:And kylie like I mean she again is an advocate kylie, danny, like the minogues, like you know, talented, spinning around like one of your all-time favorites. Obviously, all the lovers I love that song, I think it's so empowering. Anyway, she's done it like she did it like I. I said an acoustic sort of version of that and it's just stunning.
Speaker 1:But I think anything she does is so again she puts her hand through. Yeah, well, I think people remember her because it's so iconic and it's very out there, very gay, very poppy and very sort of like easy to remember. Yeah, yep, definitely. Another one for me is back in the 80s, frankie goes to hollywood, to relax, relax.
Speaker 2:That was big at the time when I remember when it came out, you know, so cool and, like I said, it's all about sort of not coming and uh, well, I think it might have been actually. Yeah, it was yeah, but it was um yeah, relax, don't do it when you want to come yeah, and then they followed that with two tribes got a war, and that again was all about frankie.
Speaker 2:Frankie goes to hollywood pretty cool band back in the 80s as well. Um, you got scissors sisters who had a couple like I mean one that you probably don't know so much, but one that because of my love of drag race and things like that, like let's have a kiki um is really well, I've heard it, but to me it doesn't scream out gay, gay yeah, I mean things like I feel like dancing to me is something that is more prominent.
Speaker 2:Super gay, yeah, exactly yeah and look, the thing is, let's have a kiki. Um, it's probably the, the drag the underground circuit, so things and stuff like that.
Speaker 2:Because kiki is party, right when that's what the queens will call it, say let's go and party, let's have a kiki okay um, so yeah, that's sort of again something that, because you're not in that world as such, you don't sort of really find it as gay, where it's probably gay. Um, but yeah, and then Todrick Hall, who, again Todrick Hall, say that again, yeah, oh my god, he's amazing. All right, what's he called? Todrick Hall, not Todja, no, not your Todja. Todrick Hall is a guy he actually auditioned on American Idol a million years ago now and basically then created a YouTube sensational for himself, way before all these other influencers, and that he's toured here a number of times. I've been to see him quite a number of times, but he's been here with nail, hair, hips, nails, hairs, hips, heels Again, google it, look it up. It's iconic. They've done so many different versions. They've done Christmas versions of it. They've done all kinds of different versions. It is absolutely epically amazing. What one have you got for us, dave?
Speaker 1:Well, I was just trying to try. I'm trying to type in Mika's song. You know the one he sang. Oh, I can't remember what it's called. It's very catchy. I can be down, I can be blue. Yeah, that one. Yeah, what's that called, though? Yeah, well, that song. Anyway, whatever that one is, yeah, yeah, I cool, yeah, yeah mika mika's pretty cool as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, definitely he's out there, for sure, yep um, another one again.
Speaker 1:I I like the 80s for me, matt, because it was resonates with my teenage years. Yep, um, you got things like eurasia that were always singing very gay songs. Yep, well, they were gay, you know. You mentioned the one that they did, again the cover version of abba. Take on me, take a chance on me, take a chance on me. And again, their cover version was so, so cool, yeah, so very cool.
Speaker 2:They dressed up in the abba gear and everything. That it was quite fun. And I guess, if we're in, while we're stuck in the 80s, george, michael wham, like you know what I mean like, yeah, freedom 90 was was awesome, but like, I want your sex. Um, yeah, yeah, like, and while it wasn't gay, it so was at the same time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, um, but george, when he came out, obviously sort of had like, um, was obviously his play was he his um, let's go outside, was his big, big one that he released after he got caught in the cubicles, urinals oh, urinals. But whatever he got, as you say urinals, yeah you say, I say urinals you say, I say urinals. That one's for you. Um, miami, um, but yeah, um, you've got like anything. George michael, you got gaga, who is like born this way. Um, again, most stuff she does is are iconically gay.
Speaker 1:Yeah again, she's an advocator as well. Yes, very much a ally. Yeah, you can't go without mentioning Cher in that case, then. Oh, sure, sure, sure sure share.
Speaker 2:However, the fuck you say it, but you're great. Um, she's amazing. Um again been an ally for a million years. Um, and why wouldn't she be?
Speaker 1:we've given her gazillions of dollars in the bank If I can turn back time, I believe. I believe she's got so many out there Like so many songs to go through?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we might end up doing a top ten artist instead of a top ten songs, who knows what about. Diana Ross Diana Ross Chain Reaction. I'm coming out. I'm coming out.
Speaker 1:Obviously Chain Reaction. She had also as well, but then steps did that as well.
Speaker 2:I know again, right again very gay orientated band again. But it was. They were great like a great cover cover version five, six, seven, eight yeah, oh, my god yeah, all these ones are very great.
Speaker 1:They're iconically gay, but diana ross, definitely awesome but have you noticed? Have you noticed in the charts, every time there is a gay related um song, it's a very happy go yeah, there's never, there's never sort of like, really sort of like well, there are, there are some there are some sad ones, but predominantly by lesbians like constant craving, like heidi ling, yeah and her her rendition of hallelujah I love that.
Speaker 2:Like, that's my best version of that, not mine her, sorry. Yeah, that's the one I love the most in hers.
Speaker 1:Like your best version of that not mine her, sorry. Yeah, that's the one I love the most in hers, like your best version.
Speaker 2:Okay, we're on the cruise. We're gonna get you to sing that are we?
Speaker 1:I'd love to, I'd love to be here.
Speaker 2:She's a great artist, she's a phenomenal artist, but again she's sort of known for being a little bit more. And you've also got elton john.
Speaker 1:You know he's done, he's done a plethora of like uh songs that, yeah, I'm still standing I love it. Do you know the movie?
Speaker 2:for that.
Speaker 1:The song, yeah, I love it because they're all wearing like really jock straps and they're all very venice beach.
Speaker 2:Yeah, muscle very muscle bound and all that kind of stuff as well. Yeah, um to do, to do, to do, break free ariana grande again.
Speaker 1:I guess one of today's icons and an icon for the future like because you like um melissa esridge don't you, melissa esridge, like yeah, come to my window, come to my window I don't think I've heard that. Well, I probably have but, I can't. You have like cold-plated heart um. I'll tell you who we do have now this sorry, go on. I know I broke into that.
Speaker 2:No, that's fine, shania twain shania twain man, I feel like a woman. Yeah, of course, in that letter that was fucking. And again in my circle there was a lot of chitchat that she was actually a man. That's why she used to always wear the choker all right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she's clearly definitely not a man and never has been I was also told annie lennox was a man when I grew up. You know, I mean back. Oh, we forgot about that. Your, your rhythmics, yeah, my god, amazing, absolutely annie lennox. I know she's not, she's got a door for everything, but I mean. What I'm saying is, I mean, how would people say that?
Speaker 2:you know, I mean, yeah, alison moyer, yeah you know, all those people you know I mean yeah, yeah, yeah, your only way is up population, or whatever yeah, yahoo, not yahoo.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, that's I do, but we're talking about um, yeah, as in the public.
Speaker 2:Yeah, plastic population, yeah, yeah yeah, yep, but um, oh, my god, um boys murder on dance floor who had a bit of a resurgence oh, I love it.
Speaker 1:Sophie ellar, again and again.
Speaker 2:She's a very iconic gay, yeah, but she was a model, so she was always going to be famous in the gays, because we love pretty things. Well, she comes from very famous.
Speaker 1:Her parents were both Well, her father was a producer and her mother was a TV presenter yeah, but she made it her own by breaking into the charts and stuff like that.
Speaker 2:Well, she modelled first, yeah, but what I'm saying is I mean she's taken it to another level herself. But then look, she's come back because of oh, what was that movie?
Speaker 1:Oh, the one what Saltburn.
Speaker 2:Saltburn, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:That last scene in Saltburn, oh my God.
Speaker 2:If you don't watch the whole movie, which you should watch the whole movie because it's freaking awesome, but go to the last scene.
Speaker 1:Oh hello, that's worth seeing absolutely um, but culture club yep, all that kind of stuff, boy george full style boy george made such a great career for himself, but he's still djing to this day and that, well, you think of like bonski beat and stuff like that back in the time as well, haven't you? Yeah, I've got, I don't know what I've written here psb who I don't know what I who.
Speaker 2:I don't know what I've written there. I don't know who did you put the PSB, psb. I've written initials down. Pet Shop Boys.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, yeah, it's a sin, it's a sin, yeah, well they had lots then she also had I am what I am, yeah, iconic. I am what I am. I am my own special creation. Got blinda carlisle. Yeah, yeah. And what about? Um, what's her name? I just remember this now. Um, oh god, I think her name. Now, fucking, I'm a brain fart. Um, okay, I can't help but think of her. No, she's iconic.
Speaker 1:Bette Midler, I like Bette Midler anyway, no, but oh, I can't think of a fucking name. Shit the Bangles, what the Bangles? No, but I'm just trying to think she's iconic. She's like 1970s upwards. Big American star, bob haircut, dusty Springfield no. Well, yeah, bob haircut um dusty springfield. No well, yeah, no, yes, no, yeah. Yeah she's a lesbian. No, but what I'm saying is she's saying barbara streisand.
Speaker 2:Oh fucking hell, how did we leave barbara streisand off the list? Yeah, I know she's fucking.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah, liza manelli, I mean she's I mean not my sort of cup of tea, but again very, very gay orientated stuff yeah, all gay, just play it out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, um, you've got supermodel rupaul right, rupaul has got a plethora of hits. Yep of our own I don't know them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, of course you don't, yeah, but I'm sure the gay community yeah, for sure we do yeah, 100.
Speaker 2:All of us apart from you, um, but yeah, make me feel isolated.
Speaker 1:I'm not the only gay in the village. I'm not the only gay in the village You're not the only gay in the village. At all. Tainted Love Madonna. We didn't mention Madonna. Oh, we're getting there.
Speaker 2:I know, but it's good Tainted Love. Soft Cell yeah, absolutely, you know.
Speaker 1:Fuck me, there's so many of these fucking artists. I love them. Boys, Boys, Boys, Sabrina I. I'm going to get harder in a minute.
Speaker 2:A fully grown homo playlist we'll have to put together. We shall do that. We shall do that we shall do that, matt, we should do that 100%, wow, so look out for that soon on iTunes Spotify.
Speaker 1:We'll claim it of our own. Yeah, well, no, you can make playlists. Well, you can sing, matt, you can sing them all.
Speaker 2:I don't know that I'm going to be able to sing all of these. I'm sure you can I don't think you understand the cost that goes into producing this music, um, because I don't have that kind of money and it's not.
Speaker 1:But you got the talent, you got two and a half thousand dollars like that. Yes, two and a half thousand dollars is a little in joke it's a number that came up a lot anthony, anthony and clear would definitely laugh at that one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, correct, correct.
Speaker 1:I've run out of here because I was like looking on my iPad when I was doing these and I don't have an iPad actually Xanadu, obviously. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, olivia. Newton-jones oh fucking hell she could be.
Speaker 2:Olivia Newton I'm Every Woman. Shaka Khan, right, and I just had one in my head and it's gone again anyway, which?
Speaker 1:head or hand. Yeah, one of those, but yeah, oh, there's so many, isn't there Beyonce?
Speaker 2:obviously no, she's an icon, I know. But I, a lot of the queer community, absolutely adore her. I love her music, some of her music, some of it not so much, but yeah, but, but yeah. So now to whittle this down to the top ten.
Speaker 1:Oh fucking hell.
Speaker 2:All right, let's go straight to number one because Kylie's taking that spot. Hey, kylie, kylie Minogue is taking the number one spot, is she? I'm not arguing, I'm telling. That's told me listeners, so Matt is dominating me today. Matt is a top today.
Speaker 1:I'm a top. I'm getting thrown down to the bottom. By the looks of it, we're not even getting to the verse stage.
Speaker 2:I think Matt is just going to push me right there. I'm going to pop the fuck out of him. So you're saying Kylie and I'm not even using a lube Kylie has to take number one spot. I'm happy with that. Yeah, she does take all the spots she's done multiple songs.
Speaker 2:yeah, well, for me then number two is going to be AB, so high camp value. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and all that kind of stuff. Go on share number three. Yeah, yeah, miami, miami would kill me if I didn't put share in number three, because miami is a mental share fan.
Speaker 1:Right, I don't get it, because I mean she's, she's got a lot of songs because I mean you, you, we can't just go with, just like one hit wonders, I mean the sd might be really out there. Yep, like for me. I mean I was going to say, um, you know the pet, another picture by the, um, what you call it, um ymca, um village people, thank you, but they've only done a few. They didn't do, they did their songs then.
Speaker 1:So they'll be on the list, but they'll probably be around, but what I'm saying is what I'm saying is you've got I think is probably coming home.
Speaker 2:She's done so much, so much and has continued to do more. You've got to have Madonna in there.
Speaker 1:Madonna's got to be on there. She has to be.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Madonna has to be in there 100%, and so has Lady Gaga. Yeah, Gaga has to be there, for sure. I've noticed that nearly all these are women. I'm just thinking that myself. I mean, george Michael's got to make the list 100%, so we've got George, next the late great George Michael, yep, yep, and then probably Elton John, wow, well can we put them? Two together, yeah, yeah, okay, don't let your son go down on me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I don't want to make the other ones I want. I want more than eight, I want more than 10. Sorry, yeah, you always want more yeah I know I'm a greedy fucker yeah, you're fucking. That's why I say every time I go to church. I want 10, no, I want 20, I want 50, um, um. Who wants to know the list we heard? We're gonna have people like donna summer has to make the list because they are iconic aren aren't they?
Speaker 2:Yeah, Donna Summer and Diana Ross. Okay, Donna and Diana.
Speaker 1:And Diana. They can share a spot Number nine. We've got to have a couple of bands Pet Shop Boys.
Speaker 2:Pet Shop Boys and Eurasia. They can share the number nine spot and we definitely have to have the, the village people, on the list, because erasure yeah, yep, but then number.
Speaker 1:Okay, we'll round it out with, like, the village number 10, the village people have to have to come in there because, like they're iconic again, like you said, I mean you know, and cyril, please get out there and make, some make a remix, make a remix of the village people. I mean, obviously you know, we just mentioned so many and my head is spinning around like highly would say yeah, and I'm just.
Speaker 1:I'm just having flashbacks all over the place, all the lovers oh look, I mean my, my mind at this moment in time is just going back and forth, back and forth, especially to the 80s, late 80s. I mean we didn't mention the bgs, the bgs they weren't really.
Speaker 2:Oh, they iconic.
Speaker 1:Oh, they are so fucking gay. Oh they are, I don't know I don't know about that one.
Speaker 2:Well, I think so. I love them. I'm not saying I don't love them, but I also love Dr Hook. I love the Beatles.
Speaker 1:You're kidding me.
Speaker 2:I love the.
Speaker 1:Beatles music.
Speaker 2:I fucking can't stand the Beatles you can't, because it's your, your hometown people, and it's all you have to listen to.
Speaker 1:I don't, I personally, I personally don't like um paul mccartney we know that look, I mean, I like his music and he's a great artist, but as a person, I he just winds me up the wrong way. I don't know what it is about him. He just I can't resonate with him at all. Yep, we all have those. Yeah, exactly, but yeah, um. But look, I mean, at the end of the day, you know, for me, doing these sort of um, uh, these little short podcasts, makes me feel very happy inside it makes me yeah, because it does.
Speaker 1:It does bring back happy memories and I hope that does for you guys as well who are listeners.
Speaker 2:But now it's given me hours of extra work because I've got to go and create a spotify list now.
Speaker 1:Um well, that's good though well, you can do that in the background In my spare time. Yeah, 100%, Because you've got plenty of spare time. So much spare time. I must say If you're not, watering your plants and taking the dogs for a walk and going out clubbing all the time. Yeah correct.
Speaker 2:And then church. I mean, how many hours do you need?
Speaker 1:Only like 48 in a day. Yeah, that's how many right we can do that, yeah correct, just take.
Speaker 2:Just take a pill and be happy. Um what do you?
Speaker 1:call it, but yeah, this is just um a fun segment. I've loved doing this yeah, I love music.
Speaker 2:As you know, I sing as well, and you can find me on youtube. Um, at matt kavanagh, you search me up. Yeah, m-a-t-t-c-a-v-a-n-a-g-h, it's good, it's worth a listen anyway, he has got a great voice used to sing um back in the day, but yeah, spike my listens, that'll be awesome. I might even put a link to my youtube channel in the in the notes when we release this ep so yeah great idea great idea, but, um, but, it's hard to will so many talented artists and so many iconic songs down.
Speaker 1:I'm sure we'd miss some. Oh, would it be.
Speaker 2:Let us know Absolutely. I mean, you know, just do what we're doing. Let us know your top 10.
Speaker 1:Why not yeah, or top 20, or whatever you want, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But let us know your number to announce that we could actually hear. Yeah, there you go, um, but look, I mean at the end of the day, you know, doing this segment has just really geared me up, giving you some energy well, it segment has just really cheered me up, given you some energy.
Speaker 2:Well it has, it's just made me feel alive again.
Speaker 1:It makes me want to go now and jump in the car, go for a drive and put on all these gay music, disco music, yeah, absolutely Just happy feeling music. And it just brings your whole spirit up, and I hope today's podcast has done that for you guys as well. Yeah, like you said, I mean, if you're feeling down, just put a bit of music on, and I'm sure it will change your mindset After this episode?
Speaker 2:obviously yeah absolutely After this is finished. Jump on and play the gayest songs you can play.
Speaker 2:Hopefully by then, you'll get our Spotify list up as well. So, yeah, who knows? Yeah, exactly, all right, have a great day. We've been Dave and Matt, your Fully Grown Homos. This has been our Top 10s. That's a wrap from us. We've been your Fully Grown Homos and we look forward to opening your mind, your ears and your curiosities. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe and share our podcast with your curious friends. You can contact us on fullygrownhomospodcast at gmailcom or any of our socials. Fullygrownhomospodcast.