Fully Grown Homos Podcast
Fully Grown Homos Podcast
Can you guess what the letter B stands for in today's episode?
Can you guess what the letter B stands for in today's episode? Let's just say, it's going to be a bare-all conversation! From the raw and spontaneous world of "bareback" sex to the intriguing fascination with "bulges," we promise an honest and candid discussion that shines a light on the intimate aspects of gay culture. Matt even shares a cheeky story about a particularly memorable train ride that you won't want to miss!
We also tackle the allure of male physical attraction, discussing everything from the magnifying effects of grey track pants and Speedos to the art of grooming those intimate areas. And yes, we go there—debating the merits of smooth versus hairy balls. Wrapping up, we dive into sexual fantasies and the importance of open communication with your partner. If you've ever been curious about how to bring your kinks into conversation, this episode is a must-listen. So tune in, open your mind, and get ready for some laughs and enlightenment!
If you want to send us a question or would like our thoughts on a particular topic you can contact us at Fullygrownhomospodcast@gmail.com or contact us on any of our socials at Fully Grown Homos Podcast.
You're listening to Dave and Matt from the Fully Grown Homos. Hey, matt, are you ready for a?
Speaker 2:quickie. Hey, dave, I'm always ready for a quickie, but the question is, are our listeners ready for a quickie? And now it's time for Dave's Letter of the Day. I'm going to push the button and see what letter we come up with, and today's letter is B.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's right, Matt.
Speaker 2:How this segment works, listeners, is that we get five words and they all start with the letter that we spin up. Today we've spun up B. So, Dave, what's our?
Speaker 1:first word, your first word of the day. Matt is bareback, Bareback.
Speaker 2:So commonly known in the community as raw. So barebacking is, for those that don't know is basically having sex without protection.
Speaker 1:So having fucking without a condom being barebacked, um barebacking um yeah so, yeah, that's exactly what it is common these days in the gay world, doesn't it seem to be more prolific?
Speaker 2:well, I'd say it's common everywhere. It's just that, um, it's a heterosexual community, just don't have a tag for it. They just call it anal. Um, so we're just sexual. We're far too creative for that. We just have to name everything, we have to label everything and we'll talk about labels we'll talk about labels in another segment, another podcast, but barebacking raw and you enjoy that. I love it there's a lot more sensation there's also a bit of a power when you come inside someone. It's not more sensation.
Speaker 1:There's also a bit of a power when you um, when you come inside someone, it's it's not just that also, I mean the, the, the actual spontaneity of it is so much easier when you're actually having sex, and it goes from oral sex to penetrative sex. Yeah, basically, you know you don't have to stop and then find a condom, put the condom on, and half the time a lot of guys have this negative reaction to putting condoms on and they go soft and they can't maintain an interaction. I don't know whether it's just a mental thing or whether it's a physical aspect that they don't have, you know, the ability to stay hard with a condom on.
Speaker 2:I don't know no, because I'll go from fully hard to not hard at all yeah, and it affects a lot of people. So yeah, so yeah so that's um bareback um. What's your next word, dave?
Speaker 2:okay, next word is bulges, bulges oh, so I follow quite a few bulge sites on twitter, um I, I reminds me how to show you a photo later as well that I may have sneakily taken today okay, there's a guy with a massive bulge on the train today, and um, he was quite a bulky guy, um, and I mean bulky, muscular, and he was a redhead, um, so there's no surprise that he was bulging um everyone's type. Um, yeah, he was. He was quite hot, um, and very bulgy mcbulge bulge um. But yeah, love him and, like I said, I follow quite a few bulge sites on twitter, um, but yeah, I think your dogs want to play ball yeah, that's what you can hear in the background everybody.
Speaker 1:So, oh, wow, that is pretty impressive, isn't it? Yeah, and I think tradie shorts also do make it look even bigger than what they maybe are. But yeah, it's a good look. It's a very, very good look, especially when they're free balling as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, which he clearly was, because he was dressed to the left.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So yeah, yep, let's say I was hungry for a snack.
Speaker 1:But you do find that when you're out looking at things in general Matt just walking through and you're perving on people what's the first thing you look at is straight for the bulge.
Speaker 2:I'm straight at the bulge and then I look up to see whether they've actually got a nice face and body. If they've got a face, full stop. Definitely a cock watcher. Definitely a cock watcher. I love winter for grey track, pants season and Speedos.
Speaker 1:And summer for Speedos, because there ain't no way you're hiding anything. And also, I think a lot of gay guys have, um, you know, the uh, this, the fetishes, you know where they sort of like, have items of um attire that they wear just purely to enhance themselves I've got my um.
Speaker 2:I've got my undies that definitely make my bulge look bigger than they are, and if people got these like little sort of like inserts they put into their underwear.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah yeah, I've got some of those as well that I wear, that I should wear when I've got my speedos on, because they give it a vpl. Um, and again, that's a visible penis line, for those that don't know. Um, I've also been known to occasionally wear a under my speedos again, so it lifts everything up and pushes it out, so it's a bit more prominent as well. Unfortunately, I'm not hung like a donkey. So, yeah, you use what you can when you can in the art of deception. So it's bulges. Dave, what's your next word?
Speaker 1:next one follows on it's balls balls, love me my mouth. Love them Big balls, little balls, low-hanging balls, hairy balls, shaped balls.
Speaker 2:I'm a massive fan of a nice set of hangers.
Speaker 1:It's just, yeah, there's nothing like it, but what would you say would be the perfect size.
Speaker 2:Size that you can fit both of them in your mouth At the same time, at the same time, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I also do get fascinated, um, with really big balls. Um, yeah, I don't know what, not hernia size balls, surely not? No, um, no, one of my family members has a hernia and we thought it was a ball for years and in the family we've literally only just found out there was actually a hernia. So if there is something huge down there, get it checked by a doctor and if it's a family member, get them to speak to a doctor and you may find that they already knew there was a hernia, I think the worst situation I've ever seen, not a hernia, but I've seen people that have injected silicon into their balls and their penis as well, and it looks absolutely ridiculous.
Speaker 1:I mean I can seen people that have injected silicone into their balls and their penis as well, and it looks absolutely ridiculous. I mean I can't believe that they would do that themselves.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it does look a bit silly, definitely.
Speaker 1:For me. I like sort of average-sized balls, but I like shaved balls. I think you know when you've got someone that's got a massive amount of pubic hair and their balls are just sort of covered in it it can just like get stuck in your mouth and he's like, nah, this isn't fun yeah, nobody deserves a mouthful of hair.
Speaker 1:I always don't mind a little bit of hair on him. But I mean shave is really good. I always say, keep it neat, it's nice to eat, but do you find it? I mean I remember the first time I shaved my balls it was like pretty scary because obviously I was using just like a big razor, yeah. And I mean I tried it once with a electric razor and that was the worst case. I got so many nicks and cuts and it was like, oh my God.
Speaker 2:So I recently bought a product not gonna mention it on here because I'm we're not sponsored Don't wanna endorse it, that's for sure because again, it says that it doesn't nick, it doesn't cut, it doesn't do any of that. And it's a lie, because I came out with battle wounds after the second one. I thought maybe it was just the way I was holding it. So I actually Googled and read all the instructions once again and no, definitely bit me twice, and you don't want to be bitten on the balls by a razor, so I just stick with either. The hair removal cream again, always use a sensitive cream, don't use the full-on one that you would use on your legs and how do you find?
Speaker 1:I mean, when the hair starts growing back, do you automatically start shaving again, or do you allow it to grow back a little bit first and then shave again?
Speaker 2:I'll allow it to go back again like I'm I'm yeah, let it grow a little bit first and then shave again. I'll allow it to go back again like I'm I'm yeah, let it grow a little bit and then sort of basically hit it with hair removal, unless I've got something that I know that I'm preparing for. If there's going to be like a weekend extravaganza or something like that happening where I'm gonna, when my balls are going to be seeing a lot of action, um, then I'll do a bit of a midweek cleanup or something like that.
Speaker 1:Do you ever get the uh, the the actual um, itchiness of the hair growing back because I mean I tend to get that a lot and for me it's all like, you know, doesn't put me off, but it just sort of like. Is it really sort of like the horrible sort of like stage between you know being freshly shaven through to them growing back a couple of weeks later and it's just like, oh, it's just itchy as, itchy as?
Speaker 2:no, no, I never get the prickly pear okay, so yeah, that's good all right. What's your next word, dave? Next word is bottoming. Bottoming, yes, um. So wow, I feel like this could be a whole subject, a whole topic um bottoming, um. I'm verse'm verse. Top generally, dave you are.
Speaker 1:I'm pretty more, I'm versatile, but I'm definitely very, very much more verse top than verse bottom.
Speaker 2:Verse top, yep same but all of a sudden I find myself in a room with somebody that I really want to get drilled by. So then if you just find that cockpit really looks like it's going to feel nice, so you just jump all over it and all of a sudden you're a bottom. In Sydney there aren't many tops.
Speaker 1:Yeah, bottom is the sort of classic denomination for the gay world. Unfortunately, a lot more people, not by, unfortunately. There shouldn't be bottom shaming. No, I'm not bottom shaming. What I'm saying is there should be a lot more people oh, not by, unfortunately. There shouldn't be bottom shaming. No, I'm not bottom shaming, but what I'm saying is there should be a lot more versatile people, I would have thought, than just complete bottoms or power bottoms or tops and power tops. You know what I mean. There should be more crossover. I mean I think most people you know should fit into that bracket and give it a go. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:have that, that, yeah, that ability to you know to go between both yeah, people like what they like and that's just, and you know me, I mean, you know, I I don't mind being, you know being a bottom every now and then, but it takes me a long time to get into that situation. Um, once I'm there, I'm fine, you know. I mean, I mean again, I mean it depends on the size of the penis being used. It's got to be sort of like an average size for me. Unfortunately, I can't take anything large because I just feel too much pain and I'm sure that's whether, like I've said in previous podcasts, no-transcript probably take it better. Um, but yeah, for me, you know, um, bottoming is like you know I enjoy it, but it's not my sort of like main thing I don't mind it at all, um, I think it's fun.
Speaker 2:What about?
Speaker 1:types of bottom mat types of bottom as in, like you know, oh really, some nice types of bottoms I, I do like a good bubble butt, um, I, I I've got no ass, so sort of.
Speaker 2:I'm completely flat, um, from basically from the back of my neck all the way down, um, to my bloody ankles. Um, but, um, if you wear the right pair of underwear, it can look like you've actually got one. In the right jeans, you can look like you've actually got one but again, you're only looking from your perspective, like everybody.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you probably have got more of a shapely bottom than you think you have. Yeah, um, but like you said, I mean there are some guys out there that have got just like like jado asses and it's just like amazing. It's kind of hot. Yeah, it is, you know, and they work hard to some of them to get that that um oh, hell.
Speaker 2:yeah, it definitely takes hours in the gym and um, I'm not prepared to put in that kind of dedication. So yeah, but just enjoy them instead. Yeah, we'll enjoy them definitely. And what's your next B word, dave the?
Speaker 1:last one is bondage, Ooh bondage.
Speaker 2:I've not delved into this scene very often. I've done some light bondage with some sort of well, I don't know if it's bondage, it's sort of I've. I've played with handcuffs a little bit, um in the in the um early days as such, of my discovering sexuality and sensuality and seeing what's going to work for me. It wasn't really my thing, I can't say. I've never got fully into the whole tie me up, whip me, beat me or anything like that. It's just definitely not something that I want to get involved in. How about you, dave?
Speaker 1:For me, the only bit of bondage I've been involved with is, like you know, maybe being tied up a little bit at our famous gay camp we go to. But again, for me the whole element of being in bondage is almost like losing control. Again, we've had that discussion in the previous podcast where for me losing control is not a turn on, it's more of a turn off. I quite scared, like you said, it depends who you're with. Um, some elements of bondage can be quite fun. I mean I look at it. You know, if it's in a fun play thing, like with handcuffs that you know you can pull apart, or if it's, um, being tickled with a feather and stuff like that, that's that's fun. I mean I don't mind that sort of level of bondage. It has to be very vanilla eyes for me. I I'm not into the big deep bondage thing where people take it from one extreme to the other and being chained and whipped and basically being I don't know, just being beaten up or spat on and stuff.
Speaker 2:I don't get it. I mean, it's not for me. No, I don't mind a bit of rough play, but it has to be play, but rough play, but it has to be played.
Speaker 1:But again, I don't judge people.
Speaker 2:At the end of the day some people get turned on some people can actually only have sex when they're actually treated really debaucherously, I suppose. Yeah, well, yeah, not my thing, but enjoy it, as long as it's consensual. Enjoy what you enjoy and, um, don't be afraid to tell people what you enjoy, because you might be stuck with somebody that really wants to participate in something and you want to participate in something, and if you actually tell them your fantasies and your fetishes and your kinks, like bondage or anything for that matter, they might surprise you. They might be open to trying it as well, especially if you're a trusted loved one as well.
Speaker 2:That was Dave's letter of the day. Today was brought to you by the letter B the fully grown homos with Matt and Dave. That's a wrap from us. We've been your fully grown homos and we look forward to opening your mind, your ears and your curiosities. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe and share our podcast with your curious friends. You can contact us at fullygrownhomospodcast at gmailcom or any of our socials by the same name fullygrownully Grown Homos Podcast.